Issue - meetings

Capital Programme Monitoring - Quarter 2

Meeting: 27/01/2022 - Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 58)


Additional documents:


Report FSD22004


On 24th November 2021, the Executive received a report summarising the current position on capital expenditure and receipts following the 2nd quarter of 2021/22 and agreed a revised Capital Programme for the four-year period 2021/22 to 2024/25. During this cycle of monitoring, no additions or changes were made to schemes in the Adult Care and Health Portfolio Programme.


The Chairman noted the reference made in the document to Post-Completion Reports for ‘Care Homes – improvements to environment for older people’ which appeared to be historic. The Head of Finance for Adults, Health and Housing advised that some initial work had been undertaken to look into this scheme which dated back to around 2012 and had ended in 2016. The scheme had been removed from the Capital Programme following a review of dormant schemes in 2019, and therefore it may be difficult to get a complete view of what the scheme had been used for, and how it had performed, as would usually be included in post-completion reports. This was something that could be followed up and brought back to a future meeting, if possible. The Chairman suggested that if there was difficulty finding documentary evidence, the care homes could be asked to provide photographic evidence of what the money from the scheme had been spent on.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to note the current position in respect of Capital Schemes agreed by the Executive on 24th November 2021.