Issue - meetings

Performance Reporting - Children's Scrutiny Dataset

Meeting: 15/06/2021 - Children, Education and Families Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)


Additional documents:


Report CEF21020A


The report provided the Committee with its regular update on the performance of services for children.  The performance index provided as part of the report was the position as at the end of March 2021.


Members discussed the focus on Corporate Parenting following the Ofsted Inspection in 2016, noting that there remained no space for complacency Members stressed that there was a need to ensure that there remained a focus on the child at every Committee and that the needs of the children for whom Members had Corporate Parenting responsibility had to be at the forefront of Member’s thinking when decisions were being taken.


In relation to Indicator 26: Percentage of Care Leavers in Education, Employment or Training (EET), a Member asked for a detailed breakdown of the reasons why the young people in the cohort were not in education, employment or training.


The Committee noted that the local target for Indicators 7 and 8 had not yet been agreed and the judgement of ‘green’ reflected performance against London and national averages.


A Members suggested that, in order to reflect the issues emerging from the Covid pandemic, consideration should be given to including performance indicators around mental health.


Noting that much of the discussion had focused on issues around education, employment and training for Care Leavers, the Chairman suggested that it may be helpful for the Head of CLA and Care Leavers to provide Members of the Committee with an informal briefing around this.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.