Issue - meetings

Benefits Service Monitoring report\Council Tax Support\Reduction 2022/23

Meeting: 23/06/2021 - Executive, Resources and Contracts Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 24)


Additional documents:


Report FSD21035


The report provided information regarding the performance of the Benefits Service provided by Liberata for the period 1 December 2020 to 31 March 2021. A letter from Amanda Inwood-Field Liberata’s London Regional Contract Director was attached to the report as Appendix 1. This communication provided Liberata’s perspective of performance, together with an update on initiatives to be introduced in the coming months.

In opening the discussion, the Chairman noted that it was encouraging that that the increase in applications for Council Tax Support had been limited 12% to date, although it was recognised that this was likely to increase from September 2021 as the furlough scheme ended.  Members noted that there were already higher volumes of Universal Credit (UC) work coming through the system.  Investment had been made in UC automation and this would help in keeping workload volumes down.

The Committee noted that Appendix 6 to the report set out DWP reported performance for Q3 2020/21 and this showed that Bromley was tracking comparatively well for that performance.  Members suggested that a benchmarking exercise needed to be undertaken to ensure that there was increased learning from best practice.  It was clear that Bromley was performing well but it would be helpful to continually review what more could be done to drive continuous improvement.  The Chairman suggested it would be helpful for the next monitoring report to include benchmarking data for other local authorities to enable Members to identify trends.

Turning to the issue of the Council Tax Support/Reduction Scheme, the Portfolio Holder for Resources, Commissioning and Contracts Management explained that all local authorities had to make their own individual decisions in relation to the scheme offered.  Bromley had opted to take a simplistic approach to the scheme which required a contribution of 25%.  A number of other local authorities had far more complex schemes which were then challenging to administer.  It was agreed that the information produced by London Councils detailing the various Council Tax Support/Reduction Schemes across London would be shared with the Committee.  The Portfolio Holder highlighted that, as a result of the challenging financial position many families found themselves in as a result of the pandemic, it was recognised that it would be difficult for many to face an increase this year.  The Committee also noted the availability of the government funded hardship fund, which had also been increased for this year.  The Portfolio Holder highlighted the holistic approach taken to support for the Council’s Care Leavers, noting that the support package that was available went far beyond simply support with the costs of Council Tax.

In relation to the consultation for the Council Tax Support/Reduction Scheme, a Member suggested that it may be helpful to respondents if the alterative options that were available were set out as part of the consultation along with figures and examples of how the different schemes would impact on finances.

At the conclusion of the discussion, Councillor Simon Jeal proposed that the recommendation be amended to add a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 24