Issue - meetings

Virtual school 6 month update report

Meeting: 14/09/2021 - Children, Education and Families Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 22)



Report CEF21030


The report provided an update on the performance of the Virtual School for children in care and children previously in care currently adopted or cared for under a Special Guardianship Order.


The Chairman noted that she had met with representative from Bromley Youth Council (BYC) and the Living in Care Council (LinCC) prior to the PDS meeting.  The LinCC raised questions seeking updates on the four challenges for 2020/21 whilst BYC had asked about support for attendance. Quesrtions were also raised around support for the mental health of young people in Care in the light of COVID and how pupil premium was being spent to support the young people.


In response to a question around changes to pupil premium, the Committee noted that the aim had been to make it more personalised.  The Director of Education reported that schools had welcomed the changes which had had a positive impact.


The Committee noted that managed moves were rarely used for looked after children as often it did not provide a secure base for children to be successful. However, one child had moved school on a managed move basis last academic year and due to the support received from school and Virtual School, this was a success.



Noting the Key Stage 4 outcomes cited in paragraph 3.3.4 of the report, a Member asked whether similar data was available for Year 13 students.  Following the meeting the Virtual School Head teacher provided the following equivalent data for post 16. As an update, 7 of the year 13 students who completed a Level 3 qualification were heading to University, one was taking a gap year and one was starting an apprenticeship.


Regarding Past 16 destinations, following the meeting the Virtual School Head Teacher reported that the Virtual School was still working with the cohort and collecting start data to check whether the young people had all moved on to employment / further training. The Virtual School knew that the 7 University starters were all prepared for the start of term although some had not yet started.  For those who had gone on to further courses it would not be possible to determine a final figure until all registrations for courses had started which was not until October in some cases.


In response to a question, the Director of Children’s Services confirmed that any additional tutoring and support that young people in the care of Bromley may need would be put in through the Virtual Head Teacher.


Members requested that an updated on the four challenges listed in the report be provided following the meeting.






RESOLVED: That the report be noted.