Issue - meetings


Meeting: 04/11/2021 - Schools' Forum (Item 20)



Report CEF21052


The report outlined the High Needs Funding Banding Review that commenced in September 2021.


The Director of Education introduced the report explaining that the pressures on the High Needs Block were a significant factor as to why the LA needed to review high needs funding banding but they were not the only reason.  It was clear from the funding bands that were currently in place within the Borough that there were too many and that they were somewhat opaque with a lack of clarity around the differences between the different funding bands.  There was a need to ensure that there was consistency and transparency around the use of the funding bands.


The intention of the review was to look at the different funding models and methodologies that were in place elsewhere and also to look to achieve the three aims set out in the report.  The scope of the review was set out in the report and the Schools’ Forum was a key stakeholder within the review process.  The intention was to introduce a phased implementation of the outcome of the review from September 2022.


In response to a question, it was acknowledged that it was a complex and challenging issue and that the timescales were ambitious, however the Director of Education advised that it was important to maintain the ambition to meet the September 2022 timescale to avoid the loss of a further academic year and ensure that the right finding bands were in place for young people in order to provide the most effective support.  In July 2022, the Schools Forum would be able to take a view as to whether the LA was in a position to proceed with a funding model from September 2022.


In response to a question, the Director of Education reiterated that the purpose of the review was to achieve the three objectives set out in the report whilst ensuring that the system was sustainable.  One of the aims was to mitigate against high needs pressures and this review is one of the ways that could be achieved.


The Chairman suggested that if input from the Schools’ Forum was required outside of the scheduled meetings, information could be circulated for comment by email or if exceptional circumstances arose a special meeting could be convened.


RESOLVED: that the report and recommendations be noted.