Issue - meetings

North Block Solar PV Installation

Meeting: 24/03/2022 - Executive, Resources and Contracts Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 96)


Additional documents:


Report ES20172


The report set out a proposal for the installation of a solar photovoltaic (PV) system on the rooftop of North Block building (located at the Civic Centre).  The Council could make use of Section 106 Carbon Offsetting contributions to fund energy/carbon reduction initiatives on its own estate.


The Director of Finance highlighted that the report proposed a change to the Capital Programme and as such required a decision from the Executive.


In opening the discussion, the Chairman reported that since the publication of the report he had received further information setting out the financial justification for the recommendations which supported the conclusions set out in the report. 


The Committee stressed the importance of ensuring that the Council had achieved the maximum reduction in energy consumption prior to the installation of the new system as with further energy savings it may be possible to install a smaller system.  Members requested that following the meeting the Environmental Programme Officer provide an update surrounding any additional energy savings that could be made and whether they could impact on the overall project.  The Environmental Programme Officer was also asked to provide a key to the diagrams and pictures included in the appendices as well as details of the total carbon savings as a percentage.


In relation to the timings for the project for the rest of the Civic Centre site, the Environmental Programme Officer explained that the North Block had been treated as a separate project however, given the increases in fuel prices it was acknowledged that it would be beneficial to deliver further savings as soon as possible.


In summarising the debate, the Chairman noted that it was an exciting project, contributing to the Council’s net zero carbon ambition. However, details around the risks of excessive scope needed further consideration prior to the Executive taking a decision.




  1. The report be noted and referred to the meeting of the Executive on 30 March 2022.


  1. The Executive be recommended to:


(a)  Approve the proposal to initiate and complete the procurement of a solar PV installation at the identified Civic Centre location, at an estimated whole life contract value of £119k, using the Council’s s106 Carbon Offsetting Fund (COF) to finance the project. System design to meet these criteria is stipulated in the contract specification. 


(b)  Approve the use of the Fusion21 framework and delegate authority to the Contract Officer to appoint the preferred contractor which is evidenced through the tender evaluation process.