Issue - meetings

Operational Building Maintenance Budget and Planned Programme

Meeting: 09/02/2022 - Executive (Item 366)



Report HPR2022/007


The Executive considered the initial Draft 2022/23 Budget at the meeting on 12th January 2022 and elsewhere on this agenda were asked to approve the final draft budget and capital programme proposals to recommend to Council.  This report set out indicative budget allocations reflected in the Draft 2022/23 Budget report for operational building maintenance against the three sources of funding: the repairs and maintenance budget, the Building Investment Fund and the earmarked reserve for Infrastructure Investment.

This report all provided a brief update on the Operational Property Review and sought approval to draw down from the Growth Fund for a Programme Manager to support feasibility work.

The report had been scrutinised by the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee at its meeting on 7th February 2022 and the Committee had supported the proposals.




(1) Noting the proposals set out in the Draft 2022/23 Budget report and subject to Council agreeing the budget, the following expenditure for operational building maintenance for 2022/23 is approved:

·  Repairs and maintenance - £2.314m

·  Earmarked reserve for Infrastructure Investment for essential and statutory works - £1m

(2) Provision of £2m in 2022/23 and £2m in 2023/24 to a Building Investment Fund be noted, as included in the Draft 2022/23 Budget report

(3) As included in the Capital Strategy 2022 to 2026 report, the new Capital Programme for Operational Estate Maintenance totalling £20.257m, phased over the next three financial years, be noted as set out in paragraph 3.7 of the report.

(4) Authority be delegated to the Director of Housing,  Planning, Property and Regeneration to vary the programmes and budget allocations where such action is considered necessary to either protect the Council’s assets or make the most effective use of resources.

(5) The request for £65k to be drawn down from the Growth Fund earmarked reserve for the appointment of a Programme Manager to support the delivery of the next phase of the Operational Property Review be approved.