Issue - meetings


Meeting: 21/03/2022 - Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 172)





The introduction to the report was provided by the Technical Support and Market Manager. He informed the Committee that Bromley Council had been a key development partner with ‘Society Works’ in developing and implementing the online waste services and self-service green garden waste portal used within FixMyStreet. Bromley had been shortlisted as a finalist at the 2022 Local Government Chronicle awards for the public sector/private partnership category with its service provider ‘Society Works’ in terms of customer experience with respect to waste services..


The Chairman expressed the view that this was a good service overall, had been a huge success and was basically invaluable.


The Technical Support and Market Manager said that going forward it may be possible to extend the scope and functionality of FMS (Fix My Street) to integrate with other core services such as waste services, litter bins and recycling bins. A Member requested that the service be extended if possible to include issues in car parks.


A discussion took place concerning the matters highlighted in section 3.26 of the report where the Council was seeking to enhance the FixMyStreet software so that it could also deal with cross boundary matters and issues that were the responsibility of Housing Associations. There could also be a link to the Environment Agency.


The Chairman said that it would be good if one of the ‘invisible layers’ that was factored into the software going forward was information relating to individual ward boundaries so that Members could be better informed as to issues occurring in their specific wards across the board. He offered to provide the mapping files for ward boundaries to support this. The Technical Support and Market Manager responded by saying that this type of functionality existed already and that it would be good to provide training on this functionality to all Councillors post-election. 




1)  The report, the direction of travel and the FMS Roadmap be noted.


2) A FMS update be brought back to the Committee in March 2023