Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/03/2022 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 83)

83 BUDGET MONITORING 2021/22 pdf icon PDF 315 KB

Additional documents:


Report FSD22024


The report provided an update on the latest revenue budget monitoring position for 2021/22 for the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Portfolio based on expenditure and activity levels up to the end of December 2021. An overspend of £102k was now projected – while this was an improvement on the previous £614k previously reported, this was largely due to an increase of £445k in allocated Covid-19 grants. The underlying position of savings from housing developments not being realised as quickly as had been anticipated was unchanged.


Officers undertook to provide details of the Historic England Hydro works grant (page 91 of the report.)


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to endorse the 2021/22 revenue budget monitoring for the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Portfolio.