Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/04/2022 - Development Control Committee (Item 108)


Additional documents:


Report DRR000000


The Heritage at Risk Register included historic buildings and sites at risk of being lost through neglect, decay or deterioration. There were currently 25 heritage assets within Bromley included on the latest iteration of the register. The report provided an update on these assets where information was available.  The report had been prepared for the meeting of the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (RRH PDS) on 16 November 2021 with the update in Table 1 reflecting the known situation with Bromley’s ‘Heritage at Risk’ assets as of November 2021. An extract from the minutes of the RRH PDS meeting on 16 November 2021 was provided at Appendix 1.

The Committee noted the report and received updates concerning some of the specific sites listed.  Members noted that in some cases urgent action was required.  The Principal Conservation Officer reported that enforcement action could be taken and it was valuable to have the support of Historic England.

Members requested that in future a more focused report be presented to Members.  The report should set out any action that needed to be taken, the timeframe for any action and who was responsible for delivering the necessary work.  It was also suggested that it would be helpful for the report to include a photograph of each of the assets on the Heritage at Risk register, the date the asset went on to the register, a record of correspondence with owners of assets, dates of any meetings that had been held and a summary of any major changes to the register since the last update to Members.

RESOLVED: That the updates on various sites within Bromley that are included on the Historic England ‘Heritage at Risk’ register be noted.