Issue - meetings


Meeting: 26/07/2022 - Development Control Committee (Item 20)



Report HPR2022/037


The Committee considered a report advising Members of the proposed Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill, the likely impacts on planning and related matters and the timelines for the proposed changes.


The ‘Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill’ was given its first reading in Parliament in May 2022 and aimed to create a robust framework for levelling-up. The Bill included a number of proposals to improve the planning system which were previously published in the Planning for the Future consultation in 2020, as well as a previous LBB officer report. The new Bill aimed to improve the planning process to give local communities more control over new development and included powers to:

-  deliver high quality design and beautiful places, and protect local heritage;

-  enable the right infrastructure to come forward where it was needed;

-  enhance local democracy and engagement;

-  foster better environmental outcomes; and,

-  allow neighbourhoods to shape their surroundings, as this was where the impact of planning was most immediately felt.


A Member queried if the proposal to extend the period for taking enforcement action to ten years could be retrospective and considered that increasing fines associated with certain planning breaches was welcomed. Rather than noting the Bill, it was suggested that a positive contribution could be made. However, there were concerns regarding arbitrary housing targets – they needed to be stronger in making representations and consider how they would like the borough to look in 2050.


In response to a question from the Chairman, the Assistant Director for Planning advised that the formal response to the Planning White Paper had been brought to the Committee and had contained some strong views. The Assistant Director for Planning said he sympathised with the points raised – as a Planning Authority, they were obliged to operate within the system set, but they should try to influence this. It was highlighted that paragraph 3.29 of the report advised of further opportunities for consultation on various aspects of the Bill and it was suggested that any draft responses be brought to the Committee for agreement.


RESOLVED that the potential impacts of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Bill be noted by Members.