Issue - meetings

One Million Pounds Platinum Jubilee Parks Fund

Meeting: 21/06/2022 - Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 189)


Report outlining the proposed rules of delegation for applications to the Platinum Jubilee Parks Fund.

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The Strategic Commissioning Officer attended to provide the update on the One Million Pounds Platinum Jubilee Parks Fund along with the Environment Portfolio Holder for Sustainability, Green Services and Open Spaces. The proposals had been promoted to Councillors, community activist groups and stakeholders. It was hoped that many bids could be submitted in the first tranche of funding applications. Funding was more likely to be provided for projects that were community led and supported by the community. The Portfolio Holder said that she was keen to promote projects that supported loneliness and community cohesion.


The report was presented to the Committee to outline the proposed rules of engagement for applications to the Platinum Jubilee Parks Fund, and to seek Environment Portfolio Holder approval for its adoption.


A Member referred to criteria 13 with respect to making funding applications. This criteria stated that for applications in excess of £3k, 100 signatures would be required from people on the electoral roll. It was suggested by a Member that this would be undemocratic because it would exclude anyone under the voting age that may wish to sign something that they believed in. The Portfolio Holder responded and said if anyone felt that they would like to comment in objection or support, they were very welcome to do so.


A Member suggested that projects concerning accessibility areas should be considered for funding as well as the provision of water fountains, cycle routes and public toilets. The Assistant Director for Traffic and Parking commented that funds were limited and the provision of toilets was expensive. A Member said that a meeting had recently taken place with the Friends Group with respect to Priory Park. They had taken note of what needed to be done, this was now being costed and the project was going ahead; it was suggested that a press release accompany this initiative. It was also suggested that this initiative should be promoted to all Friends Groups and it was noted that the application form would appear on the Council website at some point in July. The Portfolio Holder said that it was necessary for projects involving parks to be led by the Friends Groups first, as they were the custodians of the parks.





1) The ECS PDS Committee noted the proposed rules of engagement to allocate funding for each round of the Platinum Jubilee Parks Fund as set out in Appendix A of this report. 


2) The Portfolio Holder for Sustainability, Green Services and Open Spaces approved the proposed rules of engagement for decision making on requests for funding from the Platinum Jubilee Parks Earmarked Reserve, based on the parameters and criteria set out in Appendix A to the report.



