Issue - meetings

• Implementing the Direct National Funding Formula – Government consultation

Meeting: 07/07/2022 - Schools' Forum (Item 3)


Additional documents:


Report CEF22045


The report provided details of the National Funding Formula consultation and the proposed approach.


The Head of Children, Education and Families Finance introduced the report and explained that the proposal was to submit a joint response from the Local Authority and the Schools’ Forum.  As such it was suggested that a working group be established to consider the Forum’s response.  The Chairman reported that it was proposed that the first meeting of the working group would take place on 4th August 2022.  Volunteers for the working group would be sought following the meeting.


The Forum noted that the consultation was seeking views on proposals that all schools be funded on consistent principles.  The consultation confirmed that the National Funding Formula would progress from 2023/24 being fully implemented from 2027/28.


In response to a question, the Director Education confirmed that whilst the consultation could have an impact on the review of high needs provision being undertaken by the Local Authority, the reality was that it was likely that it would be some time before any changes arising from the Government consultation would impact at a local level.  It was therefore important that the Local Authority continued with its review and where necessary took account of any national policy changes which may have an impact as and when they were announced.


In addition, the Forum noted that a consultation on Early Years Funding had recently been launched and a working group would be established to consider the response of the Schools’ Forum.  Since the deadlines for submission of the two consultations to the DfE were before the next meeting of the Schools Forum, the drafts produced by the Working Groups would be circulated to Schools Forum members for their consideration prior to submission to the DfE.


The Chairman highlighted that Members of the Schools’ Forum should provide any general comments on the consultation to the Head of Children, Education and Families Finance.


RESOLVED: That a Working Group to consider the response to the Direct National Funding Formula Consultation be established.