Issue - meetings

Revenues Service Monitoring Report

Meeting: 16/01/2023 - Executive, Resources and Contracts Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 81)


Additional documents:


Report FSD22090


The report provided information regarding the performance of the Revenues Services provided by Liberata for the period 1 April to 30 November 2022. A letter from Amanda Inwood-Field, Liberata’s London Regional Contract Director, provided an update on each of the individual services and was attached Appendix 1 of the report with statistical data relating to the Revenues Service attached at Appendix 2.


Members noted that reminders and final demands signposted customers to avenues of support that were available however, many customers who found themselves in difficulty tended to put their head in the sand and did not access the support that was available.


The Committee discussed the Empty Homes Premium and Members noted that it incentivised homeowners to bring their properties back into use.  In response to a question, the Revenues and Benefits Manager explained that if a property was uninhabitable an application had to be made to the Valuation Office to take the property out of the ratings. 


The Committee noted that Council Tax collection rates had not returned to pre-Covid levels.  Members noted that more long-term arrangements were in place and the service was trying to be as flexible as possible.  In response to a question, the Revenues and Benefits Manager confirmed that no analysis had been undertaken of the impact of a further rise in Council Tax on people in arrears.


The Committee were advised that the rise in the amount of collectible debt could be attributed to the fact that businesses were struggling in the current economic climate.  There had been an increase in the number of cases referred to enforcement agencies and the Committee requested that a future report provide details of whether Bromley was in line with other Local Authorities.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.