Issue - meetings

Future of Community Resource Centres

Meeting: 08/02/2023 - Executive (Item 148)


Additional documents:


Report HPR2023/010


Due to a number of factors, mainly problems with the current buildings, the future of the outreach service currently provided by two community resource centre facilities at Cotmandene (CCRC) and Mottingham (MCLS) had been under review. A number of alternative locations had been explored for relocation with the views of users and non-users captured.


The report asked the Executive to agree to the relocation of the service into two Libraries within the borough under the expected management of Greenwich Leisure Limited.


The report had been scrutinised by the Renewal, Recreation and Housing PDS Committee at its meeting on 23 January 2023 and the Committee had supported the recommendations and made an additional recommendation:


2.2 (ii) To note the need for the Mottingham Resource Centre to be situated in close proximity to the existing location on the Mottingham estate (an area of social and economic deprivation) and continue to search for an alternative site during the 6/12 months trial in case the library site does not prove suitable. Furthermore, that Officers consider the implications and feasibility of extending the time available at St. Edward’s Church, during the trial period, from one day to two days per week, if required, to provide increased local availability of facilities and resources to the elderly, disabled and vulnerable who reside on the Mottingham estate.




1.  The permanent relocation of the outreach services at Cotmandene Resource Centre to St Paul’s Cray Library, including the transfer of management services to GLL by way of a Change Control Note to GLL’s overarching contract and the secondment and/or TUPE of staff depending on the consultation outcome be agreed.


2.  The temporary relocation of the outreach services at Mottingham Learning Shop to Mottingham Library, with one day a week session at St Edward’s Church, be agreed subject to a twelve month trial, to be reviewed after 6 months. These services are to be transferred to the management of GLL rather than the Council by way of a Change Control Note to GLL’s overarching contract and will include the secondment and/or TUPE of staff.


3.  The need for the Mottingham Resource Centre to be situated in close proximity to the existing location on the Mottingham estate (an area of social and economic deprivation) and continue to search for an alternative site during the 6/12 months trial in case the library site does not prove suitable be noted. Furthermore, that Officers consider the implications and feasibility of extending the time available at St. Edward’s Church, during the trial period, from one day to two days per week, if required, to provide increased local availability of facilities and resources to the elderly, disabled and vulnerable who reside on the Mottingham estate.


4.  Any further decisions on the transfer to GLL be delegated to the Director of Corporate Services and Governance in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Renewal, Recreation and Housing.


5.  The disposal of the Cotmandene building for sale or rent be agreed subject to a further  ...  view the full minutes text for item 148

Meeting: 23/01/2023 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 48)

48 Future of Community Resource Centres pdf icon PDF 419 KB

Additional documents:


  Report HPR2023/010


The report recommended the permanent relocation of the Cotmandene Community Resource Centre to St Paul’s Cray Library and the temporary relocation of Mottingham Community and Learning Shop to Mottingham Library with the service including a one-day-a-week session at St Edward’s Church subject to a twelve-month trial to be reviewed after six months.  The report also asked the Council’s Executive to transfer management of these services to Greenwich Leisure Limited (GLL) by way of a Change Control Note to GLL’s overarching contract and the secondment and/or TUPE of staff depending on the consultation outcome.


The Chairman notified the Committee of a correction to Recommendation 2.3 in the published report in that it was sought to “Delegate any further decisions on the transfer to GLL to the Director of Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration in consultation with the Director of Corporate Services and the Portfolio Holder for Renewal, Recreation and Housing” and this was noted by the Committee.


The Chairman expressed his intention to deal with the proposals for the two Community Resource Centres separately and invited Councillor and Ward Member David Cartwright to address the Committee with regard to the proposals for the Mottingham Community and Learning Shop. 


Councillor David Cartwright advised that whilst he and his ward colleague, Councillor Will Rowlands agreed there was a need to relocate the Mottingham Community and Learning Shop, it was crucial that this provision remained close to the Mottingham estate.  The service primarily provided early intervention services and support to the residents of this area, including elderly and disabled people as well as those facing multiple challenges, and the current proposal would move this provision away from the community it served.  Underlining the Local Authority’s responsibility to serve its residents, Councillor and Ward Member Will Rowlands proposed an additional recommendation: 


2.2 (ii) To note the need for the Mottingham Resource Centre to be situated in close proximity to the existing location on the Mottingham estate (an area of social and economic deprivation) and continue to search for an alternative site during the 6/12 months trial in case the library site does not prove suitable. Furthermore, that Officers consider the implications and feasibility of extending the time available at St. Edward’s Church, during the trial period, from one day to two days per week, if required, to provide increased local availability of facilities and resources to the elderly, disabled and vulnerable who reside on the Mottingham estate.


Councillor Will Rowlands moved that the above additional recommendation be approved.  The motion was seconded by Councillor Sean Slator, put to the vote and CARRIED.


The Chairman invited Councillor and Ward Member Chris Price to address the Committee with regard to the proposals for the Cotmandene Community Resource Centre. 


Councillor Chris Price paid tribute to the dedication of staff who had made a success of the temporary relocation of the Cotmandene Community Resource Centre at St Paul’s Cray Library but expressed significant concerns with regard to permanent relocation.  The number of customers accessing the Cotmandene  ...  view the full minutes text for item 48