Issue - meetings

PP&E Draft Portfolio Plan

Meeting: 28/03/2023 - Public Protection and Enforcement Policy Development & Scrutiny Committee (Item 132)


Additional documents:




With respect to the issue of addressing the sale of underage products, a Member requested that vapes be added to the list. It was noted that regarding the regulation of food and licenced premise , 75% of complaints about food and food premises would be responded to within five working days. A Member asked about the other 25% and the Assistant Director for Public Protection and Enforcement said she would report back on this.


A Member referred to section 3.3.5 of the report which stated that 28,896 kg  (almost three tonnes) of waste had been removed on Community Impact Days. The Member pointed out that 1000kgs equated to one tonne, so one of these figures was incorrect. The Assistant Director said she would report back on this.


The Chairman referred to HMOs and requested that a future report be brought to the committee concerning not just regulating HMOS, but improving HMO conditions.


A discussion took place concerning the CCTV annual review and it was clarified that officers fed into the review, together with the contractor. The Assistant Director said that the annual review of CCTV could be reported upon if Members requested this.


A Member asked if a Community Impact Day could be undertaken in Orpington. The Chairman responded that this was unlikely to occur because Community Impact Days would only be carried on in MOPAC identified crime hotspots. The Chairman of the Safer Neighbourhood Board said that an ASB Awareness Week was being undertaken in Bromley. It was possible (depending on cost) that  a similar Awareness Week could take place in Orpington.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder for Public Protection and Enforcement be recommended to endorse the outcomes, aims and performance measures set out in the draft Portfolio Plan.