Issue - meetings


Meeting: 30/03/2023 - General Purposes and Licensing Committee (Item 51)


Additional documents:


Report CSD23039


At its meeting on 6th July 2022 this Committee set up a Constitution Working Group to review the Council’s Constitution – to simplify and improve the overall structure of the Constitution and to make recommendations for specific, detailed changes.  The report presented some detailed changes for Members to consider and refer to full Council. It also made some suggestions that had not been considered at the Working Group regarding the full Council meeting to approve the budget and Council Tax each year.

Councillor Nicholas Bennett had chaired the Working Group and he presented the proposals. He recommended the following amendments –


·  The proposal to limit the membership of Development Control Committee to no more than two members of the same ward was unnecessary.


·  On motions, the following words should be removed in paragraph 13.6 (c) – “This becomes the substantive motion to which any further amendments are moved.”


·  On call-in, the order of sub-sections and some of the wording be amended in paragraph 15.


Some Members raised objections to elements of the proposals, particularly around the limitations to call-in and petitions. However, the proposals were supported by the Committee with the changes set out above and referred to full Council.


RESOLVED that Council be recommended


(1)  To note that officers will report to a future meeting on proposals for the overall structure of the Constitution.


(2)  The following changes be made to the Constitution in line with section 3 of the report and the wording set out in the appendix (to take effect for the 2023/24 Council year):

(a)  The rules for questions be amended (as proposed in paragraphs 3.6 to 3.8 of the report.)

(b)  The rules for motions be amended (as proposed in paragraphs 3.9 to 3.11 of the report and as amended above.)

(c)   The rules for call-in be amended (as proposed in paragraphs 3.1-2 to 3.14 of the report and as amened above.)

(d)  The Petition Scheme be amended (as proposed in paragraph 3.15 of the report.)

(e)  The use of gender-neutral language in the Constitution be approved as proposed in paragraphs 3.16 of the report.)

(f)  The additional of a special full Council budget and Council tax meeting be approved (as proposed in paragraphs 3.17 and 3.18 of the report.)