Issue - meetings

Internal Audit and Fraud Progress Report

Meeting: 08/03/2023 - Audit and Risk Management Committee (Item 147)


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The Head of Audit and Assurance updated the committee regarding the External Quality Assessment and said that the assessment was now going ahead. The External Assessor would be meeting the Head of Audit and Assurance,  the Director of Finance, Chief Executive and the Chairman of the Audit and Risk Management Committee. A follow up report regarding the External Quality Assessment would be provided to the next meeting of the Audit and Risk Management Committee.


Members noted that the report provided an update on progress against the 2022/2023 Internal Audit Plan. A Member referenced the two audits which had been classified as having a ‘limited assurance’, these were the Housing Allocations audit and the Parks and Green Space audit. The former had not been published recently with the redacted reports as it contained part 2 information.


A discussion took place regarding payments made outside of the financial system. The Head of Audit and Assurance said these payments were rare and limited in number but she would endeavour to find out more about these payments and report back to the committee. The committee was pleased to note that Bromley was the 4th highest prosecutor of blue badge fraud in England. The Chairman mentioned that previously enforcement officers used to seize blue badges where appropriate and in his view it was time to encourage them to do so once again A Member commented that enforcement officers should be encouraged to confiscate blue badges where necessary.  A Member queried how misuse of the blue badge would be determined. Another Member expressed concern lest victims of blue badge fraud be punished unfairly due to the actions of others. 


A Member referred to the appendix and the reference to possible changes to the delivery of SEN Transport. She asked if in future the dates that work was undertaken could be added to the summary.


A Member referenced Covid Business Support Grants and said that he had forwarded some information to officers regarding a potential fraud. He had not received an update regarding this. The Head of Audit and Assurance  responded that if he provided the details to her outside of the meeting she would investigate this further.


RESOLVED that a recommendation be made to the ECS PDS Committee to consider re-instating the previous practice of confiscating Blue Badges.