Issue - meetings

PPE Budget Monitoring 2022/23

Meeting: 28/03/2023 - Public Protection and Enforcement Policy Development & Scrutiny Committee (Item 132)

132 BUDGET MONITORING 2022/23 pdf icon PDF 352 KB




Members noted a projected overspend of £208k on the Public Protection and Enforcement Division. A sizeable proportion of this overspend was in connection with increased costs for the Mortuary and Coroners Service. Members were briefed that there was scope in next year’s budget to resolve this.


A Member asked how the work was progressing on updating the PRUH mortuary facilities. It was noted that the work at the PRUH was on target and progressing to plan. The Assistant Director for Public Protection and Enforcement stated that she was not aware of the precise completion date of the work at the PRUH, but she would investigate this and report back. 


(Post Meeting Note: The work at the PRUH will be completed during Autumn 2023)


The Chairman commented on the £18k overspend in the costs of the Community Safety and Management Team. He requested that in future, an explanation be provided to explain the reasons for such overspends.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to endorse the 2022/23 revenue budget monitoring for the Public Protection and Enforcement Services Portfolio.