Issue - meetings

Kelsey Park Lakes

Meeting: 29/06/2023 - Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 14)





It was noted that desilting was a cost and it was asked if there was a desilting schedule that would help to spread costs more evenly in the future. It was explained that some of the funding increase that had been agreed the previous year would be used to fund future cyclical desilting activities and that idverde would assist in determining future desilting priorities. It was commented that a commitment was required for ongoing future maintenance. It was noted that no formal records could be found to indicate when Kelsey Park was previously de-silted.


A Member drew attention to the proposed spend of £80k for a Project Manager; he queried why this post was required and also why a capital spend was being used for a revenue item. He suggested that the contractor could employ a Project Manager and therefore the Council did not need to. The Assistant Director Environment (Carbon Management & Greenspace) and the Director for Environment explained that the post involved a heavy workload and that a strong client side resource was required to support the project. It was a complex and large piece of work involving significant interaction with local groups. The impact on the local community and environment could not be underestimated and there was a risk involved in allowing the existing contractor to solely manage the project. The Director said he was confident that this was the correct course of action.


A discussion took place concerning biodiversity surveys and ecology assessments. A Member suggested that as well as the employment of a Project Manager, there should also be a good communications plan to explain to the community what was happening.




1) The Executive be recommended to agree to a variation of idverde's contract at a one off value of £63k, to undertake the survey work identified at paragraph 3.10 and to prepare the technical specifications for the tender of a works contractor.


2) The Executive be recommended to agree to proceed to procurement for a works contractor to deliver the project in accordance with the procurement strategy set out in paragraphs 3.21 to 3.24.


3) The Executive be recommended to agree to delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Public Protection, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Sustainability, Green Services and Open Spaces, to award the works contract to the successful tenderer, up to the value remaining in the Capital Programme for the Kelsey Lakes.


4) The Executive be recommended to agree to create a 15 month fixed term Project Manager post to deliver the project using the Capital Programme funding for Kelsey Lakes, at an estimated cost of £80k as set out in paragraph 3.27.



5) The Executive be recommended to approve a one off variation to idverde’s contract of £17.5k for 2023/2024, to fund the desilting project at Croydon Canal, identified in paragraph 3.29.