Issue - meetings

Annual Governance Statement 2022/23

Meeting: 04/07/2023 - Audit and Risk Management Committee (Item 10)


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Members noted that the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2015, required the Council to conduct at least annually, a review of the effectiveness of its system of internal control and to approve an Annual Governance Statement, (AGS).


A Member queried why (if the Annual Governance Statement was to be signed off by the Chief Executive and the Leader), the scrutiny of the AGS may be better placed with the Executive or with the Executive, Resources & Contracts PDS Committee. It was noted that according to CIPFA guidance, The Head of Audit and Assurance (HAA) should not be compiling the Annual Governance Statement. The HAA commented that there was no obvious officer to compile the report. In mitigation, it was the case that regarding most of the AGS, it was drafted by various officers who wrote different sections of the Statement. Audit Committee scrutiny of the AGS provided objectivity to the process.



The Vice Chairman drew attention to the section of the statement which commented on the evaluation and supporting of staff performance. He noted that previously it had been commented that 25% of staff had not received appraisals in the past 12 months which he felt was appalling. He felt that a representative from HR should be asked to comment on this. The Chairman felt it would be a good idea to ask a representative from HR to attend the committee to explain what sanctions would be levelled against managers that failed to undertake appraisals. A Member commented that a staff member would not be able to get a merit award if there was not an appraisal to back it up. He also felt that HR should be asked to attend to explain why this was the case.


A Member commented that the next time the AGS was reported on, it would be useful to have an ‘at a glance’ update of what had changed since the previous year. 




1) The Audit and Risk Management Committee notes and agrees the 2022/23 Annual Governance Statement, subject to any changes made after scrutiny by the Audit and Risk Management Committee, and any further minor updates required prior to the publication of the statement of accounts for 2022/23.


2) A representative from HR be asked to attend the next meeting to provide an update concerning the appraisal process.