Issue - meetings

Glendale Annual Contract Performance Report 2022/23 - Arboricultural Services

Meeting: 07/09/2023 - Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 32)





The report reviewed the 2022/23 annual performance of the contract for arboricultural services with Glendale Ltd.


Jason Kinsella (Regional Director-South Thames) attended to represent Glendale along with Hannah Jackson,  LBB Assistant Director Environment (Carbon Management & Greenspace).


The Chairman stated that in his view, Glendale’s performance had fallen below the required standard. In mitigation, Mr Kinsella responded that there had been an increase in the volume of work that had proved challenging. There had also been extensive changes in Glendale’s senior management team. Glendale were now working closely with the Council to understand and resolve issues. Recruitment had been another hurdle to overcome as there was a lack of suitably qualified staff. Resultantly, Glendale were looking at various recruitment options which included apprenticeships, fast-tracking trainees and the use of third party agencies.


Members were informed that Glendale had submitted an improvement and recovery plan which set out key actions. The Chairman stated that the Committee were expecting to see improvements and queried if the contract was too large for Glendale to handle.


It was noted that Glendale contracted out work to suitably qualified local businesses.


A Member raised the matter of tree felling. She asked if too many trees were being felled because the maintenance of said trees was too difficult to manage. The Assistant Director Environment (Carbon Management & Greenspace) explained that it was LBB Tree Officers who would use their expertise to identify necessary tree works. This was undertaken in line with the Council’s Tree Management Strategy. Any works required would be notified to Glendale. If required, Tree Officers would be able to provide reports concerning any recommended tree works.


It was noted that trees were inspected all year round and that the number of Tree Officers was now four; one post was still being recruited to.


The Chairman concluded by thanking Mr Kinsella for attending the meeting and by saying that he was expecting to see a serious improvement in Glendale’s performance.


RESOLVED that the Glendale Annual Performance Report be noted.