Issue - meetings

Section 256 Funding Allocation

Meeting: 20/09/2023 - Executive (Item 69)



1.  Note receipt the funds from the Integrated Care Board under a Section 256 Agreement;

2. Award contracts to the following organisations via an exemption from tendering:

-  18 months contract with Bromley Mencap for an Autism Pathway Project at a total cost of £82,321

-  12 months contract with Bromley Mencap for an All-Age Autism Specialist Welfare Benefit Service at a total cost of £58,769

-  12 months contract with CASPA for a Travel Support Programme at a total cost of £40,000;

3) Delegate to the Director of Adult Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Care and Health Services, the Assistant Director Governance & Contracts, the Director of Finance and the Director of Corporate Services, authorisation to directly award the Community Discharge Grant funding; and,

4) Note that the final non-recurring sum transferred for the Community Discharge Grant Funding is £281,000.




Report ACH23-037


The South East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) had made available financial support to the London Borough of Bromley (LBB) to help provide the Borough with funding to support services to adults and children with autism and to support admission avoidance and prevention into adult Assessment and Treatment Units or children’s CAMHS in patient provision.

This transfer of non-recurrent funds was being made via a Section 256 arrangement. Portfolio Holder and Executive approval was required before the funds were spent in accordance with the Council’s financial guidelines.

The report had been scrutinised by the Adult Care and Health PDS Committee at its meeting on 5 September 2023 and the Committee had supported the recommendations in the report and made the following additional recommendation:

iv.) Note that the final non-recurring sum transferred for the Community Discharge Grant Funding is £281,000.


1.  The receipt of funds from the Integrated Care Board under a Section 256 Agreement be agreed;

2.  Contracts be awarded to the following organisations via an exemption from tendering:

- 18 months contract with Bromley Mencap for an Autism Pathway Project at a total cost of £82,321

- 12 months contract with Bromley Mencap for an All-Age Autism Specialist Welfare Benefit Service at a total cost of £58,769

- 12 months contract with CASPA for a Travel Support Programme at a total cost of £40,000;

3.  Authority be delegated to the Director of Adult Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Care and Health Services, the Assistant Director Governance & Contracts, the Director of Finance and the Director of Corporate Services, to directly award the Community Discharge Grant funding; and,

4)  It be noted that the final non-recurring sum transferred for the Community Discharge Grant Funding is £281,000.





Meeting: 05/09/2023 - Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 26)



Report ACH23-037


The Committee considered a report seeking Executive approval for the transfer of non-recurrent funds being made via a Section 256 arrangement.


The South East London Integrated Care Board (ICB) had made available financial support to the London Borough of Bromley (LBB) to help provide the borough with funding to support services to adults and children with autism and to support admission avoidance and prevention into adult Assessment and Treatment Units or children’s CAMHS in patient provision.


The Strategic Commissioner advised that an additional recommendation was proposed as follows:


iv.)  Note that the final non-recurring sum transferred for the Community Discharge Grant Funding is £281,000.


In response to questions, the Strategic Commissioner advised that each provider was required to have an exit strategy, and it had been made very clear to them that these were time-limited projects. The all-age projects were for families and those over the age of 18 years – this covered the whole pathway, delivering preventative services, which were working very well.


With regards to a question in relation to the Travel Support Programme, the Strategic Commissioner said that some people may need support on just a couple of trips whist they acquainted themselves with a new workplace or activity before travelling independently – whereas others may need a lot more ongoing support. The project had been costed based on 42 people, however more individuals may ultimately benefit from this service. It was noted that funding for autism had to be used for people in the community and it had been agreed with providers that the LD team would be able to refer people into the services. It was noted that the funding would be put into the services identified to further enhance them.


RESOLVED that the Executive be recommended to:


i.)  Agree to receipt the funds from the Integrated Care Board under a Section 256 Agreement;


ii.)  Award contracts to the following organisations via an exemption from tendering:

-  18 months contract with Bromley Mencap for an Autism Pathway Project at a total cost of £82,321

-  12 months contract with Bromley Mencap for an All-Age Autism Specialist Welfare Benefit Service at a total cost of £58,769

-  12 months contract with CASPA for a Travel Support Programme at a total cost of £40,000;


iii.)  Delegate to the Director of Adult Services, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Adult Care and Health Services, the Assistant Director Governance & Contracts, the Director of Finance and the Director of Corporate Services, authorisation to directly award the Community Discharge Grant funding; and,


iv.)  Note that the final non-recurring sum transferred for the Community Discharge Grant Funding is £281,000.