Issue - meetings

Leisure Centre Major Works

Meeting: 18/10/2023 - Executive (Item 84)


Additional documents:




1.  Authority be delegated to the Director for Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to put in place arrangements for the future tenant of the facilities pending Member’s decision on this matter in the Part 2 report.

2.  The capital budget as set in the Part 2 report be approved.

3.  Option 3 of the Programme Options, outlined in 3.24, which, pending final approval of budgets in Spring 2024, will allow for all works to be complete by Spring 2026, be approved.

4.  Authority be delegated to the Director for Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to approve the submission of grant funding applications and to accept any subsequent awards of funding in relation to both Leisure Centres.

5.  Authority be delegated to the Director for Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to approve any reasonable changes to the works needed after Executive approval in order to keep the works within budget.

6.  It be note that additional funding may be needed for the construction works, as per 3.6.1 of the Part 2 report, above the OPR’s indicative budget of £27.1m, to deliver the core requirements identified in 3.14 and 3.16 of this report and indicatively costed in 3.8 and 3.12 of the Part 2 report.

7.  £1.867m from the OPR’s budget for Leisure Centre Works be approved to fund RIBA 3/4 works for both leisure centres (as set out in 2.10 and 2.14) . 

8.  £150k from the OPR’s budget for Leisure Centre Works, be approved to fund any ancillary legal matters arising from the developments up to RIBA 4.


West Wickham:


9.  The core requirements for West Wickham Leisure Centre as set out in 3.14 of this report be approved so that officers can progress these plans through RIBA 3 and 4.

10.  The award of contract to Alliance Leisure Services for £1.047m, funded by the OPR’s indicative budget for leisure centres, be approved to progress the West Wickham Leisure Centre Major Works Programme to RIBA 4 based on the core requirements laid out in this report.

11.  It be noted that the current estimate for the works contract for West Wickham Leisure Centre, beyond RIBA stage 4, is contained in the Part 2 report. Following conclusion of RIBA stage 3, a subsequent report will be brought forward detailing more accurate costs for the works.

12.  Authority be delegated to the Director for Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder, to resolve any ancillary legal matters at West Wickham arising from the developments up to RIBA stage 4. 


The Walnuts:


13.  The core requirements for the Walnuts Leisure Centre be approved as set out in 3.16 of this report so that officers can progress these plans through RIBA 3 and 4.

14.  The award of contract to Alliance Leisure Services for £820k, funded by the OPR’s  ...  view the full decision text for item 84


Report HPR2023/054


Following Executive’s approval of the Procurement Strategy for the Leisure Centre Major Work Programme (report no: HPR2023/044) in August 2023, which was subject to this report, Executive are now asked to consider the options and recommendations contained within this report in order to bring forward the major works required at the Walnuts and West Wickham Leisure Centres.


The report had been scrutinised by the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee at its meeting on 17 October 2023 and the Committee had supported the recommendations.





1.  Authority be delegated to the Director for Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Renewal, Recreation & Housing, to put in place arrangements for the future tenant of the facilities pending Members’ decision on this matter in the Part 2 report.

2.  The capital budget as set in the Part 2 report be approved.

3.  Option 3 of the Programme Options, outlined in 3.24, which, pending final approval of budgets in Spring 2024, will allow for all works to be complete by Spring 2026, be approved.

4.  Authority be delegated to the Director for Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Renewal, Recreation & Housing, to approve the submission of grant funding applications and to accept any subsequent awards of funding in relation to both Leisure Centres.

5.  Authority be delegated to the Director for Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Renewal, Recreation & Housing, to approve any reasonable changes to the works needed after Executive approval in order to keep the works within budget.

6.  It be noted that additional funding may be needed for the construction works, as per paragraph 3.6.1 of the Part 2 report, above the OPR’s indicative budget of £27.1m, to deliver the core requirements identified in paragraphs 3.14 and 3.16 of this report and indicatively costed in paragraphs 3.8 and 3.12 of the Part 2 report.

7.  £1.867m from the OPR’s budget for Leisure Centre Works be approved to fund RIBA 3/4 works for both leisure centres (as set out in 2.10 and 2.14) . 

8.  £150k from the OPR’s budget for Leisure Centre Works, be approved to fund any ancillary legal matters arising from the developments up to RIBA 4.


West Wickham:


9.  The core requirements for West Wickham Leisure Centre as set out in 3.14 of this report be approved so that officers can progress these plans through RIBA 3 and 4.

10.  The award of contract to Alliance Leisure Services for £1.047m, funded by the OPR’s indicative budget for leisure centres, be approved to progress the West Wickham Leisure Centre Major Works Programme to RIBA 4 based on the core requirements laid out in this report.

11.  It be noted that the current estimate for the works contract for West Wickham Leisure Centre, beyond RIBA stage 4, is contained in the Part 2 report. Following conclusion of RIBA  ...  view the full minutes text for item 84

Meeting: 18/10/2023 - Executive (Item 92)


Additional documents:


The Executive agreed the recommendations outlined in the report.


The Executive considered the report, noted the additional information provided in Part 2 and agreed the recommendations.