Issue - meetings


Meeting: 06/02/2024 - General Purposes and Licensing Committee (Item 95)

95 PROGRAMME OF MEETINGS 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 199 KB

Additional documents:


Report CSD24003


The report presented the draft programme of meetings for the next Council Year (2024/25) for Members’ consideration.  The proposed timetable, which had been the subject of consultation, was based broadly on the current timetable, with only minor alterations.  Should Members subsequently agree any changes to the current committee/sub-committee titles and responsibilities at the annual Council meeting these changes would be accommodated within the approved timetable.


Members noted that the Chairman of Development Control Committee had requested that her Committee’s meeting on 29th August 2024 be moved to 19th September 2024. Members also requested that an ordinary Council meeting be included in March 2024 (so that the effect of the introduction of a special budget meeting was to increase the number of full Council meetings) and to look at moving General Purposes and Licensing Committee dates in May and June 2024 that were adjacent to the Executive and the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee.


The Chairman asked Members to contact the clerk urgently if they had any other comments to be taken into account before the programme was finalised.




(1) Subject to any changes of meeting arrangements subsequently approved by Members, and to the changes outlined above, the programme of meetings for 2024/25 be approved.

(2) The Director of Corporate Services and Governance be authorised to adjust the programme in accordance with any changes made to committees and sub-committees by Members, and to make minor corrections and updates to the programme as necessary.


NOTE: The following changes to the Programme of Meetings were made:


·  GP&L moves from 21st May 2024 to 29th May 2024

·  GP&L moves from 25th June 2024 to 2nd July 2024

·  DC moves from 29th August 2024 to 19th September 2024

·  An additional full Council on 10th March 2025

·  GP&L meetings missing on the circulated version would be added on 6th November 2024, 28th January 2025 and 1st April 2025.