Issue - meetings

ECS Performance Overview

Meeting: 23/01/2024 - Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 77)





A Member pointed out that the target with respect to Highways Maintenance had not been hit and indeed it was only 40% against a target of 90%. The Assistant Director for Highways responded that an improvement plan was in place and that matters were improving. Regular meetings had been taking place with Riney and they had been asked to improve their performance further. A Member enquired if Riney were currently paying low service damages. It was noted that these had been suspended last January, but would be re implemented in April this year.


It was noted that an improvement plan was also in place with respect to Glendale. A Member commented that there had been many references to an  improvement plan at many meetings, without much evidence of improvement actually taking place. She expressed the view that Glendale were struggling and was concerned that they would never get better. The Assistant Director, Environment (Carbon Management and Greenspace) commented that performance was now starting to recover due to various reasons including additional recruitment, a review of processes and changes in management. The recent storms had added to the difficulties in dealing with the backlog. Additional contractors would be brought in as required. A Member expressed concern about additional spend on contractors. The Director for Environment and Public Protection provided assurance that this expense was contained within the existing budget. It was further noted the KSIs were high; this was because there had been a higher than expected number of KSI incidences in May and June.


The Assistant Director (Traffic and Parking) pointed out that the Council needed to look at long term trends and long term data. He said that the KSI figures were half of what they were in early 2000, and were in fact the best in London. A Member highlighted the fact that the ‘Driven by Consequences’ program had only been held once a year, and she expressed the view that more of these schemes in schools were required. The Assistant Director for Traffic and Parking responded and said that it was intention of the Council to run more of these programs if possible, but that the Council had to build up relationships with schools in the borough.


It was asked if the additional work caused by the damage from recent storms would be within budget or would additional funding be required. The Director said that supplementary funding may be required as there were budgetary implications as a result of a succession of storms. It was asked that in view of the fact that storms were becoming more frequent, would it be helpful to bring services in house. The Director pointed out that to deal with fallen trees needed specialised equipment and trained staff, so it made sense to continue to use an organisation that had these resources readily available.


A Member referenced section 3.3 of the report which showed Riney’s projection and targets with respect to 10 day highway maintenance times and 35 day highways maintenance  ...  view the full minutes text for item 77