Issue - meetings


Meeting: 16/01/2024 - Executive, Resources and Contracts Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 71)


Additional documents:


Report CSD24006


This report provided information on the performance of the Customer Service Contract provided by Liberata for the period 1st May 2023 to 30th November 2023. A letter from Bola Odunsi Regional Director (London & The Southeast) for Liberata, provided his update on each individual element and was attached at Appendix 1 of the report.

In response to a question concerning the reduction in performance around Blue Badges and Freedom Passes, representatives from Liberata explained that a member of staff had left and there had been delays with automation.  In response, an additional person had been recruited and performance was back on track.

Concerning whether anything could be done to incentivise people to respond to the customer satisfaction survey, the Committee heard that Liberata were looking to use voicebot functionality to encourage customers to provide feedback and it was hoped that this would encourage people to respond.

In relation to the move to Churchill Court, Liberata were working with colleagues in the Council to develop a customer journey and a communications plan.  The two reception areas would be amalgamated, and it was anticipated that everything would be in place by September 2024.  There would also be a review of whether statistics relating to the self-service terminals could be included in future reports.

A Member suggested that there needed to be some joint working to collect measures and data around whether customers actually received the help they needed.  It was noted that measures around whether the original issue was resolved at the first contact would be included in future reports.  The Chairman suggested that it might be helpful if the Committee could be provided with statistics concerning the number of call transfer dropouts.

The Committee noted that the KPIs for call responses had evolved over time, and historically some had been reduced in order to deliver efficiency savings.  The Assistant Director agreed to provide specific details following the meeting.

In respect of statistics relating to the out-of-hours service and trends in the number of calls received the Committee were advised that these areas would require further investigation and analysis.

RESOLVED: That the report be noted.