Issue - meetings

ECS Performance Overview

Meeting: 13/03/2024 - Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 95)


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A Member noted that there was an improvement plan in place with respect to Riney. She asked what sort of improvement could be expected by June. The Assistant Director for Highways said that he hoped the current backlog of 200 jobs would be reduced to just a handful. The Committee was informed that the claiming of low service damages had been put on hold until June. A Member noted that the previous minutes had indicated that Riney would be up to speed by April 1st. It was further noted that any compensation claimed because of pot-hole damage would not be borne by the Council, but it would be borne by the contractor.


The Assistant Director for Highways informed the Committee that Riney had now appointed a new management team. The Council were doing their best to encourage Riney to work better and smarter. Some frustration was expressed by the Committee regarding Riney’s performance; the Chairman said that the Council had to manage things as best they could via the existing contract while officers explored options for delivery at the end of the existing contract in 2026.

A Member raised the matter of re-painting the yellow lines in roads, and the fact that this work was also not being completed within agreed timescales. The Assistant Director explained that re-lining was sub-contracted out to another contractor. He felt that after a slow start, the sub-contractor now had a better understanding of what was required.


Members discussed the matter of KSIs. A Member asked that information should be provided in reports to show what positive action was being undertaken to reduce KSIs. Councillor Alisa Igoe asked that it be noted that she was of the view that the KSI projection of 124 was appalling. 


A Member asked the Assistant Director for Highways what was the oldest pothole on register. The Assistant Director responded that he would find out and report back. The Member responded and said that he was aware of a pot-hole that had been outstanding for 431 days. He wondered what other pressures could be put upon the contractor, as it was Ward Councillors that  got the blame for pot-hole issues. The Assistant Director responded that the Director of Environment and Public Protection had been involved in high level discussions with Riney’s management and also that the low service damage penalties were there to encourage good performance. A Member requested that outstanding work be shared more widely with Members and not just with the Portfolio Holder. 


It was noted that at the June meeting, there would be a report regarding options for the future Highways Maintenance Contract. It was expected that any lessons learnt from issues relating to the current contract would be taken into account  when drawing up the new contract. The Committee was informed that in this regard, there would be two reports coming to the Committee, one would be in June and there would be another report which would come either in the autumn or  ...  view the full minutes text for item 95