Issue - meetings


Meeting: 27/03/2024 - Executive (Item 145)

145 BIGGIN HILL UPDATE pdf icon PDF 183 KB

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1.  It be noted that BHAL are expected to shortly submit a revised proposal for an alternative instrument approach to runway 03 to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), which would be understood to have noise reduction benefits for residents under the flightpath.

2.  The progress that BHAL have made towards a NAP review and that an assessment has been made of this progress and remaining requirements for completing the NAP review be noted.

3.  It be noted that a series of meetings were held between the Council and BHAL but that no agreement was reached between the two parties, although the option for further meetings remains open.

4.  It be noted that following the meetings with BHAL, the Council has written to BHAL to reiterate the Council’s requirements for completing the NAP review. The Council outlined that the NAP review is not considered to be complete without meeting these requirements and that while the NAP review is incomplete, the 50,000 aircraft movements cap remains in force at the airport.

5.   It be agreed that if BHAL exceed 50,000 movements without the NAP review being complete, the Council will take legal action to protect the Council’s position and in support of residents, as detailed in Part 2.




At the meeting of the Executive on 8 February 2023, officers, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Resources, Commissioning and Contract Management, were authorised to work with Biggin Hill Airport Limited (BHAL) regarding the Noise Action Plan (NAP), with the objective of agreeing measures to improve the situation for residents under the flightpath.

An update was provided back to the Executive on 20 September 2023 which noted that correspondence with BHAL was ongoing. It was agreed that a further update would be provided back to the Executive after six months in 2024 and that if no substantive progress had been made by this point, alternative options for progressing matters would be reported.

The report was scrutinised by the Executive, Resources and Contracts PDS Committee on 25 March 2024, and the Committee supported the recommendations.


1.  It be noted that BHAL are expected to shortly submit a revised proposal for an alternative instrument approach to runway 03 to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), which would be understood to have noise reduction benefits for residents under the flightpath.

2.  The progress that BHAL have made towards a NAP review and that an assessment has been made of this progress and remaining requirements for completing the NAP review be noted.

3.  It be noted that a series of meetings were held between the Council and BHAL but that no agreement was reached between the two parties, although the option for further meetings remains open.

4.  It be noted that following the meetings with BHAL, the Council has written to BHAL to reiterate the Council’s requirements for completing the NAP review. The Council outlined that the NAP review is not considered to be complete without meeting these requirements and that while the NAP review is incomplete, the 50,000 aircraft movements cap remains in force at the airport.

5.   It be agreed that if BHAL exceed 50,000 movements without the NAP review being complete, the Council will take legal action to protect the Council’s position and in support of residents, as detailed in Part 2.