Issue - meetings

Park Buildings Lease Process and Grant Payments

Meeting: 23/01/2024 - Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 81)

81 Park Buildings Lease Process and Grant Payments pdf icon PDF 461 KB




The ward member for Chislehurst was grateful that the grant paid to the Chislehurst Conservators had been renewed for a further five years. She was disappointed however, that the amount of the grant had not been increased since 2010. She expressed concern regarding the poor condition of some of the buildings in question due to age and being in a poor state of repair.  She wondered how organisations would be prepared to take on new buildings in this condition and said that this had not been addressed in the report. She also expressed concern at the short term nature of the lease which was for seven years.


There was a discussion concerning shipping containers that would be in used to store tools and equipment for Friends Groups. It was asked if the Friends Groups would incur a charge, and if planning permission would be required. The Assistant Director for Environment (Carbon Management and Green Space) answered and said it was possible to consider longer leases where there was significant capital investment. She said that the seven-year lease term was linked to delegated authority under the constitution. The Assistant Director said that rent free periods may be required; the council needed to try hard to find new tenants and there was a need to divest the Council of responsibility for these buildings. With respect to the shipping containers, it was stated that planning permission was not always needed and decisions would be made on a case by case basis. The Assistant Director said that with respect to the containers, there were currently costs raised by legal and estate colleagues, but these were heavily discounted, those costs may need negotiating.


The Chairman asked if cladding could be applied to the containers as most of the time they looked dirty. The Assistant Director replied and said this would be dependent upon costs; efforts would be made to place them in a discreet location. A Member objected to a ‘one size fits all policy’ and said he did not understand the rationale behind the seven-year lease policy. He expressed the view that longer term leases would give stability to organisations for planning purposes. The Assistant Director said the standard terms and conditions would be a new starting point for negotiations and that the length of the lease would be negotiable. A Member asked that it be minuted that it had been agreed that a one size fits all policy would not be adopted.




1) The Portfolio Holder for Environment be recommended to approve the revised approach to leasing park pavilions and buildings as set out in the report; specifically those processes set out for vacant pavilions and lease renewals.


2) The Portfolio Holder for Environment be recommended to approve the standardisation of the grant agreements provided for leisure activities in parks and open spaces as set out in the report.


3) The Portfolio Holder for Environment be recommended to delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Public Protection in consultation  ...  view the full minutes text for item 81