Issue - meetings

Council Tax - Second Home Premium

Meeting: 05/02/2024 - Executive, Resources and Contracts Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 80)


Additional documents:


Report FSD24013


The report proposed that a public consultation exercise was undertaken in which it was recommended that a Second Home Premium was introduced from April 2025.


In response to a question, the Revenues and Benefits Manager explained that it would be for the property owner to provide evidence regarding whether or not the property had a permanent resident.  Evidence that could be provided included details of where residents voted, registration at a doctor’s surgery etc.  If evidence was not provided the property would be deemed a second home.


Turning to the issue of the Equalities Impact Assessment, the Revenues and Benefits Manager confirmed that at this stage it was difficult to identify any equalities impact however it was hoped that further information could be gathered as part of any request for comments/consultation process.  As a more general point around Equalities Impact Assessments, the Chairman suggested in future there was no need to include assessments as part of reports presented to Members.  Instead, a link to the Equalities Impact Assessment could be provided for Member’s reference if required.  Another Member suggested that in considering and taking decisions Members should be provided with all relevant information in the agenda papers for the meeting, including any Equality Impact Assessment.


A Member highlighted that there was no statutory requirement to undertake a consultation and suggested that in this instance, the consultation did not represent value for money as any consultation was unlikely to change the outcome.  In response to the comments, the Legal Advisor to the Committee explained that it was good practice to undertake a consultation/request for comments, and making people aware of any changes in advance would support the Council’s defence of any judicial review in the future.  The Committee also noted the requirement that any request for comments/consultation had to be meaningful.


Councillor Jeal proposed that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to not agree that a public consultation exercise is undertaken in relation to the introduction of a 100% second homes premium in April 2025.  The motion was seconded by Councillor Julie Ireland, put to the vote and CARRIED.

4 in favour

1 against

9 abstentions.


RESOLVED: That the Portfolio Holder be recommended to not agree that a public consultation exercise is undertaken in relation to the introduction of a 100% second homes premium in April 2025.