Issue - meetings

New Premises Licence Application for Festival Republic Ltd Crystal Palace Park Thicket Road Penge London SE20 8DT

Meeting: 06/02/2024 - Licensing Sub-Committee (Item 4)



The Application


The application sought a premises licence to supply alcohol at Crystal Palace Park, to provide regulated entertainment including live and recorded music, to provide films, plays and performance of dance. The hours for regulated entertainment and alcohol are Monday to Sunday 11:00hrs to 22:30hrs. The opening hours stated on the application are 10:00 to 23:00 every day.


The proposed conditions submitted with the application stated that the Premises Licence should authorise licensable activity for up to six event days at a maximum capacity 29,999 persons and a further 2 event days at a maximum capacity of 5,000 persons each calendar year between 1st May and 30th September.


A copy of the application form and plan were attached to the agenda in Appendix 1. The application included the area shown red on the plan but excluding the grey shaded area which was the National Sports Centre. During the public consultation, the Council received a total of nine valid objections which were attached to the agenda in Appendix 2.


The Case for the applicant


The Committee was addressed by the Applicant’s solicitor. The Applicant had previously been granted a licence for events in the park which had been held between 2021 and 2023. The current application reflected the experience gained. In particular the maximum capacity sought had been reduced from the previous permitted capacity of 49,999. A change had also been introduced from holding events for a three day festival to a series of individual events.


The Applicant called expert evidence. The earlier events had generated some concern that nearby residential property was being adversely affected by vibrations from the events. It was identified that the source of the vibration was not air based but caused by the audience dancing together in response to the music. This had been difficult to predict and would last for only a few seconds. A solution was achieved by reducing the numbers attending the events and also by repositioning the stage. The result has been a marked reduction in the number of complaints.


In terms of noise issues, the Committee was advised that an improved sound system had been introduced in 2023 which was designed to limit noise spillage from the events. The size of the stage was also reduced and reorientated for this reason also. The events were monitored in terms of noise. The result was a marked reduction in complaints concerning noise over the preceding years since 2021. The conditions required a  noise management plan to ensure this progress was maintained.


A successful transport plan with necessary road closures had been implemented in 2023 with information being circulated to affected properties. In terms of social behaviour, anti-social behaviour measures, a drugs policy, and a security plan with stewards agreed with the police would be secured by condition.


The Applicant had considered the Council’s Licensing Policy that discouraged multiyear applications for large scale events. The application for an indefinite premises licence had been reduced to a 5 year licence. The Applicant felt a  ...  view the full minutes text for item 4