Issue - meetings

Basic Need Update Report

Meeting: 27/03/2024 - Executive (Item 140)


Additional documents:



1.  The updated Basic Need Programme as set out in Appendix 3 be agreed subject to Full Council approval.

2.  It be agreed that new projects at Bromley Beacon Academy (Orpington), Hawes Down Primary School, The Glebe, the former Marjorie McClure school site and Midfield Primary School, be added to the Basic Need Programme as detailed in the scheme appraisals in Appendix 1 of the report.

3.  It be agreed that schemes to deliver additional primary places at Scotts Park Primary School and St Marys Cray Primary be removed from the Basic Need Programme as these schemes have been on hold for several years and there is currently no projected need for additional places at either of these schools.

4.  The allocation of an additional £177,726 of additional S106 allocations to projects within the Basic Need Capital Programme as outlined in Appendix 2 be agreed.

5.   It be noted that an additional High Needs Capital Provision grant of £6,104,950 has now been allocated to Bromley to cover the period 2023-25. This is higher than the estimated allocation as detailed in the Report.

6.  It be noted that schemes within the Basic Need Programme will be delivered in line with the previously agreed procurement strategy. Awards of contract for schemes within the programme will be delivered in line with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules. In instances grant will be allocated to schools for school led delivery.

7.  In respect of the Salix grant received for the installation of an air source heat pump at the former Marjorie McClure school site that any decision on this aspect of the scheme be deferred until further information is received by the Executive at the Special Meeting on 18th April 2024. 




Report CEF23077


The report provided an update on funding and the capital schemes included within the Council’s Basic Need Programme.

Concerns were raised regarding the costs of the installation on an air source heat pump at the former Marjorie McClure school site and the Executive requested that any decision on that recommendation be deferred until further information was presented to the Special Executive meeting on 18th April 2024.  The Executive requested that the paper outlined the range of options available in respect of the heating system.

The report and additional information on the Salix grant was scrutinised by the Children Education and Families PDS Committee on 20 March 2024, and the Committee supported the recommendations.


1.The updated Basic Need Programme as set out in Appendix 3 be agreed subject to Full Council approval.

2.  It be agreed that new projects at Bromley Beacon Academy (Orpington), Hawes Down Primary School, The Glebe, the former Marjorie McClure school site and Midfield Primary School, be added to the Basic Need Programme as detailed in the scheme appraisals in Appendix 1 of the report.

3.  It be agreed that schemes to deliver additional primary places at Scotts Park Primary School and St Marys Cray Primary be removed from the Basic Need Programme as these schemes have been on hold for several years and there is currently no projected need for additional places at either of these schools.

4.  The allocation of an additional £177,726 of additional S106 allocations to projects within the Basic Need Capital Programme as outlined in Appendix 2 be agreed.

5.   It be noted that a further High Needs Capital Provision allocation for 2024/25 is expected in March 2024. An estimation of its value has been included within this report. The programme as outlined in Appendix 3 will be amended when the amount of allocation is known.

6.  It be noted that schemes within the Basic Need Programme will be delivered in line with the previously agreed procurement strategy. Awards of contract for schemes within the programme will be delivered in line with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules. In instances grant will be allocated to schools for school led delivery.

7.  In respect of the Salix grant received for the installation of an air source heat pump at the former Marjorie McClure school site any decision be deferred until further information is received by the Executive at the Special Meeting on 18th April 2024.  The paper to outline the range of options available in respect of the heating system.



Meeting: 20/03/2024 - Children, Education and Families Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 62)


Additional documents:


Report CEF23077


The report provided an update on funding and the capital schemes included within the Council’s Basic Need Programme.


The Head of Sufficiency advised that since publication of the report, the Local Authority had been notified that a bid to SALIX for a £500k Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme grant for the Former Marjorie McClure School had been successful and would enable the replacement of the existing boilers at the site with low carbon air source heat pumps. 


RESOLVED: That the Council’s Executive be recommended to:


1)  Agree the updated Basic Need Programme as set out in Appendix 3 to Report CEF23077, subject to Full Council approval;


2)  Agree that new projects at Bromley Beacon Academy (Orpington), Hawes Down Primary School, The Glebe, the former Marjorie McClure school site, and Midfield Primary School be added to the Basic Need Programme as detailed in the scheme appraisals in Appendix 1 to Report CEF23077;


3)  Agree that schemes to deliver additional primary places at Scotts Park Primary School and St Marys Cray Primary be removed from the Basic Need Programme as these schemes have been on hold for several years and there is currently no projected need for additional places at either of these schools;


4)  Agree the allocation of an additional £177,726 of additional S106 allocations to projects within the Basic Need Capital Programme as outlined in Appendix 2 to Report CEF23077; 


5)  Note that a further High Needs Capital Provision allocation for 2024/25 for which an estimation of value has been included within Report CEF23077; and,


6)  Note that schemes within the Basic Need Programme will be delivered in line with the previously agreed procurement strategy.  Awards of contract for schemes within the programme will be delivered in line with the Council’s Contract Procedure Rules and. in some instances, grant will be allocated to schools for school-led delivery.