Issue - meetings

Budget Monitoring 2023/24 Q3

Meeting: 12/03/2024 - Adult Care and Health Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 69)

69 BUDGET MONITORING 2023/24 Q3 (PART 1) pdf icon PDF 343 KB


Report FSD24022-A


The Committee considered a report providing the budget monitoring position for 2023/24 for the Adult Care and Health Portfolio, based on activity up to the end of December 2023.


The Head of Finance for Adults, Health and Housing advised that the current position for the Adult Care and Health Portfolio was a projected overspend of £1.9m on the controllable budget – this was an increase of £0.4m from the quarter 2 forecast. The main area of increase was within Assessment and Care Management which included an overspend on the Community Equipment contract budget – it was noted that further information was provided within the Part 2 appendix.


The Head of Finance for Adults, Health and Housing advised that an underspend of £160k was forecasted in Quality Assurance and Safeguarding, which would be offset against the Learning Disabilities overspend of £155k, based upon the current level of client numbers and costs. In response to questions, the Head of Finance for Adults, Health and Housing said that the Quality Assurance and Safeguarding underspend was mainly against the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) and Mental Capacity Act supplies and services budget, which was responsive to the in-year needs. The Director of Adult Social Care advised that the DoLS budget funded staff and the medical assessments undertaken by doctors – as demand was lower, they did not need to pay for as many assessments which had created the underspend. It was difficult to say if this would continue as they would not know if DoLS would apply until a referral was received. However if the lower numbers going into residential nursing care continued to be maintained the demand for assessment was likely to be less.


A Member noted that domiciliary care had areas of overspend within all categories. In response to questions, the Director of Adult Social Care said that this related to the demands of the individuals they were supporting – needs were more complex, and the packages of care required were more costly. It was noted that the number of people being supported in their own homes was increasing and consideration may need to be given to moving the budget to sit within the right service area.


In response to a question regarding the Integrated Community Equipment Service contract, the Assistant Director for Integrated Commissioning confirmed that the use of credits had been included in other contracts. Members were advised that in this contract credits were paid to the Council against returned equipment which could be recycled and reused by the provider.


RESOLVED that the Portfolio Holder be recommended to note the projected overspend of £1,925k on controllable expenditure based on information as at December 2023.