Issue - meetings


Meeting: 09/11/2010 - Bromley Economic Partnership (expired) (Item 5)



The Director of Renewal and Recreation gave an update on economic activity across the Council.


With regard to the Comprehensive Spending Review, the Director confirmed that options to reduce costs and increase efficiency across the Renewal and Recreation Department would be considered by Councillors in early 2011, but that efforts would be made to protect front line services.  Any reductions in funding by Government would not directly impact the development across Bromley Town Centre as this would be funded externally by private sector investment.


In terms of development across the borough, Biggin Hill had been identified as a potential Strategic Development Centre for Outer London in the Mayor’s London plan and would be a key location in the borough to attract new investment.  Work to support the development of the proposed Biggin Hill Heritage Centre and the West Camp site was continuing.  The Orpington Public Realm scheme had been officially opened by the London Mayor and work on the new Orpington library had begun.  The Council was currently in discussions with English Heritage around how to develop the museum offer in the borough.  The Master Plan for Crystal Palace Park had been approved by Government and Bromley Council was seeking a prestige partner to help drive forward the development. The former Glaxo Wellcome site had now been sold and discussions would shortly begin with the developers around the potential of the site, particularly in supporting future employment. 


The Bromley Area Action Plan had been approved by the Government and investment was being sought across the different sites with a promotional event planned for Spring 2011 to highlight the investment opportunities in the borough.  Work with the developer of the Westmoreland Road Car Park site was progressing well and planning permission was now being sought for the site.  Bromley North Village had been selected for inclusion in the Mayor's Great Spaces Initiative and work had begun on the improvement programme with a bid to Transport for London for £3m.  The tendering process for the Old Town Hall site was currently being undertaken with an aim of establishing a high quality conference centre or hotel. 


Network Rail had agreed to fund improved disability access to Bromley South Station.  The Council was working with Network Rail in the hope of extending this development to deliver an improved station offer.  The Council was currently considering investment options for Site G, including a potential relocation of Bromley Civic Centre to the new development, and was also in the process of appointing a Development Advisor to support the Council in procuring development partners. 


Town centre events across the borough had proved popular and a programme of events for the next 12 months was currently being developed. Councillors were also spearheading a ‘tidy-up’ programme in Bromley Town Centre to identify ways to improve the attractiveness of the town to Bromley residents and visitors.


RESOLVED that the update be noted.