Issue - meetings

Library Repair Works Programme

Meeting: 14/03/2024 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 66)



  Report HPR2024/011


The report provided an update on the library repair works programme and requested authority to both proceed to tender and award contracts for works at Mottingham, Chislehurst, Burnt Ash and Orpington library sites.


In response to a question from a Member, the Project Manager explained that there were separate budgets in place for each library site to ensure that funding was allocated fairly.  While this was primarily an essential works programme, additional improvements could be delivered where appropriate, as seen in the recent refurbishment of St Paul’s Cray library where the children’s library had been extended.  A Co-opted Member noted that new procurement legislation was due to be introduced in October 2024 and queried how this would impact the works programme.  The Project Manager advised that any new requirements arising from the Procurement Act 2023 were anticipated to be minor but that the deadline for procurement for the Orpington and Mottingham library sites had been moved forward to September to mitigate any potential impact.  Another Member asked about a temporary provision when Beckenham library was closed for refurbishment and the Head of Regeneration confirmed that Lewis House would host library services for the duration of the works which were expected to take nine months.


RESOLVED: That the Council’s Executive be recommended to:


1)  Agree to proceed to a closed tender for the works contracts for Mottingham Library, Chislehurst Library, Burnt Ash Library and Orpington Library at an estimated total value split across two contracts of £4m; and,

2)  Delegate authority to the Director of Housing, Planning, Property and Regeneration in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Renewal, Recreation and Housing, to award the two works contracts at estimated values of £1.4m (Burnt Ash and Chislehurst) and £2.6m (Mottingham and Orpington) as long as the winning tenders are affordable within the Operational Property Review library programme budget.