Issue - meetings

ECS Performance Overview

Meeting: 12/06/2024 - Environment and Community Services Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)


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A Member expressed concern that there had been no significant decrease in the number of KSIs. She asked if she could have a meeting with the Assistant Director for Traffic and Parking and this was agreed. A Member expressed disappointment that the data provided only went as far as February.


A Member expressed the view that the Council should not keep saying that ‘we are doing well’ when people were  being killed and seriously injured. She asked if a report could be provided regarding policy changes that the Council could lobby the Government for to reduce KSIs. The Portfolio Holder for Transport, Highways and Road Safety explained that funding was finite.  It was a fact that the Council had to bid to TfL for money to undertake works. He explained that the Council had not received any money from TfL to deal with the major road network since 2018, and therefore he had to redirect other Council funds to deal with pot-holes. The Member reiterated her request for a report on policy changes that the Council could lobby the government for to reduce KSIs and the Chairman said that this could be looked into. It was also noted that bids to TfL for funding had to be properly researched and the Council had to follow TfL funding guidelines. The Portfolio Holder for Transport, Highways and Road Safety explained that the first thing to consider was whether or not there was a possible engineering solution, sometimes there was not. If there was, then the Council would have to apply to TfL for the money to undertake a survey. After this, engineers would draw up plans. The total project time for a pedestrian crossing could be three years.


RESOLVED that the ECS Performance Overview report be noted and that the Portfolio Holders be recommended to endorse the outcomes, aims and performance measures as outlined in the report.