Issue - meetings

PPE Contract Register

Meeting: 20/06/2024 - Public Protection and Enforcement Policy Development & Scrutiny Committee (Item 9)


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The Committee noted the PP&E Contracts Register report.


The Chairman informed Members there were four red flags and requested an update on the Mortuary Contract and secondly on the Domestic Abuse Service. In response the Director of Environment and Public Protection confirmed that the Borough was currently within the timescales for considering the first four contracts as per the list on page 63, and for action to be taken. At the relevant time Officers would provide options for a temporary contract extension if required. Members noted that the Report showed that there was currently no cause for concern regarding the contracts administered by this Portfolio.


Regarding the Domestic Homicide Reviews, with the contract due to end in October, the Head of Safer Communities stated that work was being undertaken to look at a different delivery model. Instead of recommending procurement for a similar model, Members heard the plan that on a case-by-case basis, an independent Chair would be appointed. Other local authorities across London were also being looked at regarding how funding was provided for the Domestic Homicide Reviews. A paper exploring different options around funding would also be taken to the Safer Bromley Partnership.


RESOLVED that the Contracts Register report be noted.