Issue - meetings

24/00478/DET - Crystal Palace Park, Thicket Road, Penge

Meeting: 06/06/2024 - Development Control Committee (Item 6)

6 (24/00478/DET) - Crystal Palace Park, Thicket Road, Penge, London, SE20 8DT (Crystal Palace & Anerley Ward) pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Additional documents:




Description of Application: Details of reserved matters (appearance, landscape, access, layout and scale) for Sites A and B, Phase 1A of the Crystal Palace Park regeneration development, pursuant to Condition 1 of outline planning permission DC/20/00325/OUT, for the demolition of Ranger's Lodge and Information Centre and the construction of a new Information Centre and Rangers Maintenance Building, the conservation and repair of heritage assets within the Geological Court of the Tidal Lakes and Dinosaurs, and Italian Terraces; relocation of the Paxton Bust; alterations to hard surfaces, ground levels and tree removal; landscaping enhancements including introduction of new trees and planting; accessibility improvements; provision and rearrangement of pedestrian paths/vehicular access routes, car and cycle parking and new gateway feature at Penge Gate; provision of new play space, new seating, lighting, wayfinding; drainage and ground works.


The Planning Officer gave a brief presentation, providing an overview of the application and update on the report.


Oral representations in support of the application were received from the Agent who gave the following responses to Members’ questions:


·  The Information Centre had been designed using sustainability principles.  While solar panels were not viable due to being overshadowed, it was planned to harvest rainwater by directing hard surface run-off to green areas on site.


·  Feedback from the Orpington Field Club and Bromley Biodiversity Partnership Sub Group around increased planting of native species had been incorporated into the plans for the park.  Additional bat surveys were also being undertaken and consideration would be given to foraging corridors during the phasing of the works.


·  There were no plans to connect Site B to the Crystal Palace Subway at this stage of the Crystal Palace Park development, but this was likely to form part of a future phase of works.


In opening the discussion, Councillor Tony McPartlan spoke in support of the proposal and was particularly pleased to see the level of step-free access delivered across the site.  Councillor Alisa Igoe noted that four disabled parking bays and two Electric Car (EV) Charging Points were designated for the Penge Gate Car Park and asked whether it would be possible to deliver EV Charging Points to some or all of the disabled parking bays.  The Planning Officer confirmed that the requests for dual Disabled Parking Bays/EV Charging Points would be covered by informatives as part of the pre-commencement conditions within the Parking Design and Management Plan.  Native species planting would also be covered by informatives within the

Landscape and Ecological Management Plan.


Councillor Tony McPartlan moved that the approval of details be AGREED as recommended for the reasons set out in the report of the Assistant Director: Planning. The motion was seconded by Councillor Chloe-Jane Ross, put to the vote and CARRIED unanimously.


RESOLVED: That APPROVAL OF DETAILS BE AGREED as recommended for the reasons set out in the report of the Assistant Director: Planning.