Issue - meetings


Meeting: 19/06/2024 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 8)

8 FINAL OUTTURN REPORT 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 344 KB


Report FSD24043


The report provided details of the final outturn position for the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Portfolio Holder for the 2023/24 financial year.


A Member asked about plans for the Planning Service to generate additional income and was advised that this primarily related to bespoke advisory services, such as Performance Planning Agreements.  It was hoped to pilot some additional services using existing Planning Service resources with a view to establishing whether there was a business case to continue with or expand bespoke provision.  The Chairman observed that the Building Control Service also had income generating potential but that there was currently a shortfall between fees and associated costs due to competition from private providers. 


A Member asked a question about how the rising costs of temporary accommodation would be managed within the Portfolio budget going forward.  The Head of Finance: Adult Social Care, Health and Housing explained that the budget for the 2024/25 financial year had allowed for the full-year effect of cost pressures but that a further increase in costs during the year was likely to create a pressure going forward into the 2025/26 financial year.  Another Member asked about the use of commercial hotels for emergency placements and was advised that there were a small number of Bromley hotels that were used regularly but that bookings were made for large hotel chains such as Travelodge and Premier Inn when needed.  Every effort was made to maximise the use of Beehive and Local Authority-owned Affordable Housing including tighter nominations processes that minimised vacancies.  In response to a question from a Member on underspends in various service areas, the Head of Finance: Adult Social Care, Health and Housing clarified that underspends could only be carried forward across budget years in exceptional circumstances, such as where they related to particular grant funding, and that underspends for the 2023/24 financial year were minimal in comparison to the overall final outturn position.


RESOLVED: That the Portfolio Holder be recommended to accept the 2023/24 final outturn position for the Renewal, Recreation and Housing Portfolio