Issue - meetings

Library Repair Works Programme

Meeting: 19/06/2024 - Renewal, Recreation and Housing Policy Development and Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)



Report HPR2024/020


The report provided an update on the Library Repair Works Programme.


In response to a question from a Member, the Head of Regeneration explained that work was ongoing regarding the proposed relocation of Central Library to the Topshop Building on Bromley High Street and that a further report would be provided to the Committee at its meeting on 12 September 2024.  Another Member observed that the total cost of the works was expected to be approximately £15.5M and asked whether a new build library would be cheaper.  The Head of Regeneration said that any new-build library would require land and be subject to carbon offset funding which would add significantly to the costs and that the approximate cost of £15.5M was the total project cost, including consultancy fees and the costs of moving library stock from the former Central Library site.  The Member also asked about change control notices and the Assistant Director: Culture and Regeneration clarified that such notices that had a cost implication were solely used with respect to decisions that had already been agreed by the Council’s Executive, including any related costings.  Another Member asked about the temporary library at Lewis House, and a representative of Greenwich Leisure Ltd advised that a full range of services would be available to library users who would continue to receive the same level of support.  Further information on the demographic of existing library users would be provided to Members following the meeting.


A Member asked about the programme of works at Crofton Roman Villa and the Head of Regeneration confirmed that it was planned to deliver a toilet provision on site in addition to other improvements.  The Member requested that consideration be given to installing a notice board on the end elevation of the building and that planting be carefully planned as to not obscure signage.


RESOLVED: That the report be noted.