Agenda and minutes

Council - Monday 11 March 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Bromley Civic Centre, Stockwell Close, Bromley, BR1 3UH

Contact: Graham Walton  020 8461 7743

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Peter Dean.


Apologies for lateness were received from Cllr Jonathan Andrews.


Declarations of Interest


There were no declaration of interest.


To confirm the Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 26 February 2024 pdf icon PDF 370 KB


It was noted that Cllr Graeme Casey’s name was spelt incorrectly on pages 4 and 5 of the minutes – this would be corrected.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 26th February 2024 be confirmed.


Petition pdf icon PDF 336 KB

Additional documents:


Report CSD24029


A petition asking the Council to install two pedestrian crossings outside the Crofton Schools in Orpington had been received in January 2024. The petition requested the Council to –

“Set up two zebra crossings – one in Crofton Lane near Crofton Infant School and the second in Towncourt Lane near Crofton Junior School in Orpington.”


The lead petitioner, Ms Karina Malka, attended the meeting and addressed Councillors in support of her petition. She urged the Council to speed up the implementation of pedestrian crossings and if necessary to put temporary measures in place.


Cllr Nicholas Bennett, Portfolio Holder for Transport, Highways and Road Safety, responded to the petitioner, explaining that the Council was already investigating what the petitioners wanted, and that therefore no additional action was required.


A motion to take no further action on the petition was moved by Councillor Nicholas Bennett, seconded by Cllr Fawthrop and CARRIED.


Questions pdf icon PDF 254 KB

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, questions that are not specific to reports on the agenda must have been received in writing 10 working days before the date of the meeting. 


Questions specifically to clarify reports on the agenda should be received within two working days of the normal publication date of the agenda.  Please ensure that these questions are received by the Democratic Services Team by 5pm on Tuesday 5th March 2024.


(a) Questions from members of the public for oral reply.


(b) Questions from members of the public for written reply.


(c) Questions from members of the Council for oral reply.


(d) Questions from members of the Council for written reply. 

Additional documents:


Three questions had been received from members of the public for oral reply. The questions, with the answers given, are set out in Appendix A to these minutes.


One question had been received from a member of the public for written reply. The question, with the answer given, is set out in Appendix B to these minutes.


Nine questions had been received from members of the Council for oral reply. The questions, with the answers given, are set out in Appendix C to these minutes.


Six questions had been received from members of the Council for written reply. The questions, with the answers given, are set out in Appendix D to these minutes.


To consider any statements that may be made by the Leader of the Council, Portfolio Holders or Chairmen of Committees.


No statements were made.


Planning Related Changes to the Local Planning Protocol and the Scheme of Delegation pdf icon PDF 192 KB

Additional documents:


Report CSD24039


A motion to approve the changes to the Local Planning Protocol and Code of Conduct and the Scheme of Delegation to Officers recommended by Development Control Committee, including further amendments circulated since the Committee’s meeting and a suggestion from Cllr Adams about the order of paragraph 16.5 (c) of the Scheme of Delegation, was moved by Councillor Alexa Michael, seconded by Councillor Yvonne Bear and CARRIED.


To consider Motions of which notice has been given. pdf icon PDF 255 KB

Additional documents:


(A) Police Base Re-Openings


The following motion was proposed by Councillor Thomas Turrell and seconded by Councillor Hannah Gray -


“The Council thanks the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Mark Rowley, for coming to Bromley last summer to present his ‘New Met for London’ plan.


This Council broadly welcomes the measures in the plan, especially the commitment to restoring community policing. In line with this, Council calls on the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) to provide the necessary funding so the Metropolitan Police can re-open bases in Penge/ Crystal Palace and West Wickham, as well increasing the number of bases it has in the rural parts of the Borough. Council welcomes the reopening of the base at Green Street Green in Chelsfield. This will help to achieve the Commissioner’s target of ensuring that no Police officer is more than 20 minutes away from the communities which they serve.


Council also calls on the Metropolitan Police to review the bureaucracy around volunteers covering front desks at the local police bases.


In addition, this Council is concerned that too many of the Borough’s Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs) are based out of Bromley Police Station. As such, their ability to patrol local neighbourhoods depends on the availability of public bus transport. Council calls on MOPAC to ensure all SNTs have access to Police vehicles so they can travel to these neighbourhoods whenever necessary, not when a bus can take them.”


The following amendment was moved by Councillor Alison Stammers and seconded by Councillor Mark Smith -


To add the words “and Chislehurst” as follows -


“The Council thanks the Commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, Sir Mark Rowley, for coming to Bromley last summer to present his ‘New Met for London’ plan. This Council broadly welcomes the measures in the plan, especially the commitment to restoring community policing. In line with this, Council calls on the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC) to provide the necessary funding so the Metropolitan Police can re-open bases in Penge/Crystal Palace, West Wickham and Chislehurst, as well increasing the number of bases it has in the rural parts of the Borough. Council welcomes the reopening of the base at Green Street Green in Chelsfield. This will help to achieve the Commissioner’s target of ensuring that no Police officer is more than 20 minutes away from the communities which they serve.


Council also calls on the Metropolitan Police to review the bureaucracy around volunteers covering front desks at the local police bases. In addition, this Council is concerned that too many of the Borough’s Safer Neighbourhood Teams (SNTs) are based out of Bromley Police Station. As such, their ability to patrol local neighbourhoods depends on the availability of public bus transport. Council calls on MOPAC to ensure all SNTs have access to Police vehicles so they can travel to these neighbourhoods whenever necessary, not when a bus can take them.”


The amendment from Cllr Stammers was put to the vote and CARRIED.


A further amendment  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65.


The Mayor's announcements and communications.


The Mayor invited Cllr Diane Smith, Portfolio Holder for Adult Care and Health, to make an announcement. Cllr Smith announced that the Council had just won two iESE ltd awards – the gold award for its work on tackling loneliness, and a silver award for health services for the homeless.


The Mayor reported that the Mayor’s Awards evening on 7th March had been a great success, and he urged Members to sign up for the last few spaces on the wine tasting evening on 16th March.

Appendices pdf icon PDF 416 KB

Additional documents: