Agenda and minutes

Joint with GP&L, Public Protection and Enforcement Policy Development & Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday 14 July 2015 6.30 pm

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Bromley Civic Centre. View directions

Contact: Steve Wood  020 8313 4316

Note: Joint Meeting with GP&L Committee 

No. Item





Apologies for absence were received from Alf Kennedy, Runa Uddin, Precious Adewunmi, and Terry Belcher.   




There were no declarations of interest.




In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, questions to this Committee must be received in writing 4 working days before the date of the meeting.  Therefore please ensure questions are received by the Democratic Services Team by 5pm on 8th July 2015.



There were no questions from Councillors or Members of the Public.





The meeting was chaired by Cllr Tim Stevens JP in his role as Chairman of the GP&L Committee. The meeting was a meeting of the GP&L Committee to which the Public Protection and Safety PDS Committee Members had been invited.


Cllr Stevens expressed the hope that at the end of the meeting a concrete plan would emerge. He expressed his thanks to Cheryl Curr (Town Centre Manager) the Borough Police Commander Chris Hafford, PC Jonathan Booth and Mr Paul Lehane (LBB Head of Food Safety, Occupational Safety and Licensing).




The police update was given by the Borough Commander Chris Hafford, supported by PC Jonathan Booth. The police update was given against a background of increasing crime and disorder in the night time economies of both Bromley and Beckenham.


Operation Omega had been introduced as a nationwide MET policy to flood the streets with police to aid in hitting MOPAC 7 targets, and this had also been applied to Beckenham and Bromley. A colour document was distributed by the police that gave information on MOPAC 7 crime update statistics for Bromley. Most of the data referenced property offences with the exception of the data concerning violence with injury offences.


The data showed that the overall MOPAC 7 crime reduction target was to reduce overall crime levels by 5%. The data showed that the overall crime reduction percentage reduction was 3.2%. Crime had reduced in many areas, but the sectors that required improvement were criminal damage, theft of motor vehicles and violence with injury offences. The police felt that the increase in the violence with injury figures were directly correlated to alcohol consumption. The two Wards in LBB with the highest levels of VWI (Violence with Injury) were Cray Valley East and Cray Valley West.


The police had noted a general increase in crime across London, as well as significant increases in crime and disorder in Beckenham and Bromley. It was felt that in Bromley this could be linked to the relaxation of the Cumulative Impact Areas Policy in July 2013. The Committee were informed that there had been more crime in the last 12 months in Bromley Town Centre than in Woolwich, and that Safer Neighbourhood Officers had been used to help with night time responses. The Committee heard that Operation Triangle had helped, and that LBB were working towards a “Purple Flag” status for Beckenham for a well-managed night time economy. 


The police tabled a document entitled “Crime Digest for Bromley Town Centre Pubwatch”. The document highlighted various incidences of crime and disorder that had occurred in Bromley Town Centre between 1St June 2015 and 13th July 2015. This was expanded upon by PC Jonathan Booth, as was another document that detailed more specific crime related data concerning selected licensed premises in Bromley. This premises had shown at least 4 minor variations of its licence in January 2014, and had morphed from what had previously been primarily a restaurant into a bar. PC Booth stated that the premises in question had extended it’s opening time from midnight to 2.00am, and had now changed into a bar generating trouble and drunks. It was noted that it had recently applied for another variation. He expressed the view that if the premises had still been a restaurant, these problems would not be occurring.


The Borough Commander expressed concern that licensed premises were taking advantage of a licensing regime that was too relaxed. He was further concerned about data expressed in the form of a “trend line” that showed increasing levels  ...  view the full minutes text for item 49.



Additional documents:


Report ES 15039


Mr Lehane referred to two previous informal meetings with Members (23rd June with ward members for Bromley Town and Copers Cope) and to the Torys on meeting for Public Protection and Safety on the 24th June). These meetings had been helpful in gaining an understanding of Ward Cllr views on the operation of the late night economy and crime & disorder.  Twelve action points had been identified and that would help shape the licensing policy for the period 2016 -2021. A draft policy was ready for public consultation. 


1-The need to engage with BID Teams

2-The development of closer working between the Planning Department and other PDS Committees

3-The need to improve lines of communication with Members

4-To make the best use of street pastors

5-To look at the street environment in Bromley 

6-To give members a case study of a poor performing business

7-Ensuring that DPS/Personal Licence holders would be present at all times

8-The limitation of vertical drinking establishments

9-A general requirement for door staff for pubs and clubs operating after midnight

10-A requirement to retain the Cumulative Impact areas of Beckenham and Bromley

11-Support for strong enforcement for problem businesses

12-Retaining staggered closing


Mr Lehane informed Members that the response of the Council would be delivered through LBB’s licensing policy, decision making and partnership working.


Mr Lehane outlined a proposed vision for LBB’s Licensing Policy as follows:


1) It was the desire of Bromley Town Ward Councillors to see a continuing development of a responsible and flourishing night time economy that would benefit the economies of Bromley North and South.


2)  However, Members would support strong enforcement action against irresponsible businesses that undermined the licensing objectives, and had a negative effect on the night time economy.


3) Beckenham Town Centre was working in a way that promoted the Licensing Objectives, and because of this, any applications for new licences or variations would have to be considered very carefully to ensure that the current balance was not upset.


4) It was proposed that in Orpington the development of “café” type establishments would be promoted and that vertical drinking establishments would be discouraged.  Mr Lehane stated that he needed Member input on the Vision, and highlighted the importance of Member decision making, and its subsequent impact on crime and disorder. He asserted that representations from the police should be given significant weight and that the Licensing Objectives should not be undermined. New Licensing Policy conditions would include the introduction of strict conditions that would describe the exact type of operation that could be undertaken, and that Planning Permission would be required first. 


Cheryl Curr then appraised Members about the aim to achieve the “Purple Flag” award for Beckenham Town Centre, and the benefits of achieving the award.


The Chairman of the GP&L Committee (Cllr Tim Stevens JP) noted the issues concerning the problems that cabs in East Street had in parking because of yellow line restrictions. He felt that the yellow lines should be removed, and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 50.