Browse meetings


This page lists the meetings for Council.

Information about Council

The full Council meeting comprises all 58 Members of the Council and deals with the major issues that the Council is concerned with. Council meetings are chaired by the Mayor – in 2024/25, the Mayor is Cllr Dr David Jefferys. The Deputy Mayor is Cllr Jonathan Andrews.


Members of the public are permitted to ask one question of up to 50 words at each meeting of the Council. Please let us know whether you will attend the meeting to put your question in person, or whether you require a written reply. All questions and replies are published in the minutes of the meeting. 


In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, questions from the public must have been received in writing by 5pm, 10 working days before the date of the meeting. The deadlines for the next few meetings are:


  Meeting on 15th July 2024: Monday 1st July 2024

  Meeting on 14th October 2024: Monday 30th September 2024

  Meeting on 9th December 2024: Monday 25th November 2024

  Meeting on 10th March 2025: Monday 24th February 2025

  Meeting on 7th April 2025: Monday 24th March 2025


Questions specifically seeking clarification of new reports on the agenda, which could not have been asked before publication, can be received within two working days of the normal publication date of the agenda. The deadline is given on each agenda. 


Questions are not taken at the Council’s annual meeting in May or the budget meeting in February, and may not be taken at other special meetings. Questions can also be addressed to leading councillors at most Committee and Sub-Committee meetings.