Browse meetings

General Purposes and Licensing Committee

This page lists the meetings for General Purposes and Licensing Committee.

Information about General Purposes and Licensing Committee

The General Purposes and Licensing Committee is responsible for a range of non-executive functions of the Council, including:


·  electoral issues;

·  human resources matters;

·  open government;

·  complaints procedures;

·  Member appointments;

·  health and safety;

·  licensing of births, deaths and marriages; and

·  licensing matters.


Members of the public are permitted to ask one question of up to 50 words at each Council or committee meeting. Please let us know whether you will attend the meeting to put your question in person for oral reply, or whether you require a written reply. All questions and replies are published in the minutes of the meeting. 


In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, questions from the public must have been received in writing by 5pm, 10 working days before the date of the meeting. The deadlines are expected to be:


Meeting on 26th September 2026: Thursday 12th September 2024

Meeting on 6th November 2024: Wednesday 23rd October 2024

Meeting on 28th January 2025: Tuesday 14th January 2025

Meeting on 1st April 2025: Tuesday 18th March 2025


Questions specifically seeking clarification of reports on the agenda, which could not have been submitted before publication, can be received within two working days of the normal publication date of the agenda. The deadline is given on each agenda. 


One question is allowed per person per meeting.


Questions are not usually taken at special meetings.