Agenda item





In January 2011, following consideration of reports around the Carbon Management Programme (Report ES10188) and the Carbon Reduction Commitment (Report ES10189), the Executive requested the Improvement and Efficiency Sub-Committee investigate further ways of reducing energy consumption and look at the benefits associated with renewable energy generation, feed in tariffs and other similar measures.  The Sub-Committee received a report identifying a range of projects which had the most potential to support increased energy efficiency and use of renewable energy across the Council’s operational property.


Members considered the benefits of the five proposed renewable energy schemes.  In response to a question from the Chairman around the financial incentives offered by feed in tariffs, the Environmental Development Manager confirmed that a review was currently underway which was likely to reduce the value of feed in tariffs for all tariff bands from April 2012 and for the larger tariff bands (>50kWp) from August 2011. The business case for each proposed scheme had been based on the existing level of feed in tariff.


Photovoltaic energy schemes at the Civic Centre and Central Depot were discussed, with consideration being given to the need to retain the benefits from investment in renewable energy should parts of the Civic Centre be vacated in the long term.  The current refurbishment of North Block allowed a good opportunity to install the necessary equipment.  A preliminary review was being undertaken at the Central Depot which would establish the feasibility and cost-implications of installing roof-mounted photovoltaic panels to the main buildings.


The proposed small-scale photovoltaic energy scheme at the BEECHE Centre was discussed, and Members noted the potential for the Centre to become carbon neutral and demonstrate to the public how a range of renewable technologies worked.  A Member highlighted recent development schemes at Bishop Justus C.E. School and Crown Meadow Court which had been designed to benefit from renewable energy generation and underlined the need to encourage similar schemes in developments across the Borough. 


The solar farm scheme was considered by Members.  The Chairman queried how feed in tariffs would operate.  The Environmental Development Manager confirmed that as a large scale scheme this would be affected by changes to feed in tariffs but the impact of this would not be known until the review had been completed in August 2011.


The scheme to increase the energy efficiency of the Walnuts by upgrading the Boiler Plant had been assessed by consultants who had recommended a number of options including a gas-fired or biomass-fuelled condensing boiler, or a combined heat and power plant.  Members queried whether the renewable heat incentive could be claimed as well as a reduction in the CRC tax liability.  In response to a question around when additional information would be available on the options for the Walnuts, the Environmental Development Manager confirmed that the full business case would be available in Autumn 2011.  A Member emphasised the benefits derived from increased energy efficiency, which was often more cost effective than renewable energy schemes. 




1)  The proposed photovoltaic energy scheme at the Civic Centre and Central Depot be identified (on the basis of current capacity) for further consideration, with the North Block prioritised due to opportunities afforded by the current refurbishment and the deadline imposed by the likely change in tariffs; 


2)  A further report around the proposed Walnuts’ Boiler Plant Upgrade be provided to Improvement and Efficiency Sub Committee in July 2011.


3)  A further report around energy reduction and renewal energy generation be provided to Improvement and Efficiency Sub Committee in October 2011 to consider in greater detail the costs and benefits of the selected projects, and provide additional information with regard to the proposed small-scale photovoltaic energy scheme at the BEECHE Centre and the solar farm;


4)  The Development Control Committee be requested to consider the inclusion of energy efficiency and renewable energy generation measures in future developments across the Borough as part of the Local Development Framework.

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