Agenda item



Report DRR10/00125


The Committee considered a report providing an update on the ‘Thyme Out’ project which obtained external funding through the successful award of £308,320 from the Big Lottery’s Reaching Communities Fund.  The Manager of the Bromley Field Studies Centre outlined recent developments within the Thyme Out project and introduced Mark Reeves and his father.  Mark had been a participant in the first cohort of the ‘Thyme Out’ project and had completed the project in October 2010.  The second cohort of participants would complete the project in 2012. 


The Scheme had won significant recognition.  Positive feedback had been received from participants and their families, with many highlighting that they enjoyed being part of a team, and managers had been awarded Green Flag.  The Scheme had also won a special innovation award.


The scheme was currently being approached by larger organisations to provide services and it appeared that there would be social enterprise opportunities.  Officers were investigating the feasibility of undertaking further work for larger organisations.


The Chairman and the Committee congratulated Officers and the participants on the success of the scheme.  The Chairman commented that the grounds at the Civic Centre had been transformed.  Another Member underlined that the success of the scheme was a tribute to all those involved.  The excellent attendance rate of 99% was highlighted and Members agreed that this was a great achievement.  The Committee also noted the various award days that had been held to recognise and acknowledge the achievements of the participants.


The Portfolio Holder stressed that this was a celebration of excellence and that it was about valuing people according to their ability rather than judging them by their disability.


Mark Reeves told the Committee how much he had enjoyed participating in the scheme.  He was now moving into another project and was involved in developing landscaped gardens at residential homes across the Borough.  Mark’s father reported that Mark had been apprehensive at the start of the programme but he had enjoyed the scheme and had always liked gardening work.  The Thyme Out Scheme had supported Mark in becoming more independent.  Mark’s father reported that they were very pleased with everything that had been done for Mark.


The Manager of the Bromley Field Studies Centre confirmed that Officers would be putting in another bid for the Thyme Out scheme, but it was very competitive.  The Council was also working with the Shaw Trust to secure future projects.


The Chairman thanked Mark and his father for attending the meeting and outlining their experiences.


Branching Out


The Manager of the Bromley Field Studies Centre introduced Mr Charlie Carpenter who was representing Bromley Mind. 


The Committee were told that the first cohort of participants in the Branching Out scheme had over-achieved on qualifications.  A series of approximately 19 community projects had been undertaken in conjunction with the Friends of Parks groups.  Officers were now reviewing ways to fund the project into the future.


A Member asked whether participants would be monitored once they had left the programme.  The Manager of Bromley Field Studies Centre confirmed that former participants would be invited back to 6-month celebration events.


The Chairman questioned whether additional mainstream funding could be secured, as there were clear benefits to continuing the programme.  The Manager of Bromley Field Studies Centre commented that it would be interesting to see how GPs would commission services for people with mental health needs in the future.


Mr Carpenter reported that this had been a very exciting project.  People who had been struggling with mental health issues were now blossoming and progressing well.  Some participants in the scheme had managed to secure jobs and become more independent.  The Manager of the Bromley Field Studies Centre stressed that the successes could not have been achieved without the support of key partners.


The Chairman thanked Mr Carpenter and the Manager of Bromley Field Studies Centre for attending the meeting and outlining the scheme.


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