Agenda item



In January 2011, the Local Development Framework Advisory Panel (LDFAP) endorsed the approach taken on the development of a Core Strategy Issues Document.  The LDFAP also requested that Development Control Committee consider the developing Bromley Borough area pen portraits and overall structure and approach of the document, which would be issued for consultation purposes in preparation for the development of Bromley’s Core Strategy.  The Core Strategy would form the principal policy within the suite of documents constituting the Local Development Framework (LDF). 


On 8 March 2011, Members considered 13 of the 21 area pen portraits (Minute 88).  A further three area pen portraits were e-mailed separately to Members but were not considered at that meeting.  


Members were now asked to consider the final five area pen portraits together with the three previously circulated at the meeting held on 8 March.  Members’ views and suggested amendments are set out below.


Biggin Hill (page 45) - No comments/amendments received.


Bromley Town (page 49) - The words "to London" should be deleted from the first line of the second paragraph.


Councillor Mrs Manning would send comments/amendments direct to the contact officer. 


It was noted that the use of an apostrophe in reference to 'GP's/doctor's [sic] surgeries' should be removed throughout the entire document.


Chelsfield, Green Street Green and Pratts Bottom (page 55) - With reference to Green Belt land, Ward Member Councillor Jackson commented that it would be helpful to allude to Glentrammon Recreation Ground and ‘The Green’ at Green Street Green.


Under the heading ‘Key Issues and Main Opportunities’, it should be reported that Green Street Green was in close proximity to Orpington Town Centre.


The importance of the viability of village life should be emphasised.


With regard to demography and community, Councillor Jackson disputed that the majority of housing consisted of family homes; there was no shortage of smaller accommodation for elderly residents and single people.


The impact on commuting and parking in and around the area should be noted.


It was agreed that the land at Fort Halstead (referred to in paragraph 5, page 61) should be alluded to but would not be referred to as a point of consultation.


Darwin and Green Belt Settlements (page 59) - Councillor Mrs Manning would send comments/amendments direct to the contact officer. 


It was noted that Wickham Court (referred to in paragraph 2, page 59) and the former All Saints (John Rigby) Secondary School (referred to in paragraph 1, page 61) were both situated within Coney Hall, not in Darwin.


Eastern Green Belt (page 64) - Councillor Ince emphasised the need for strong legal action to be pursued against anyone who destroyed woodlands within the area. 


It was also noted that certain parts of the area were populated by the Traveller community.


Orpington, Ramsden and Goddington (page 68) - Ward Member Councillor Huntington-Thresher requested that the title of the area pen portrait be changed to read:- "Orpington, Goddington and Knoll" as Ramsden Estate was slowly becoming non-existent and could no longer be deemed as an entity in its own right.


The reference to "playing fields" on page 68 should incorporate Grassmeade Recreation Ground and the protected area between Burwood School and Blenheim Primary School.


Under 'Demography & Community', the report stated that income in the area tended to be lower than the Borough average, whereas in the following paragraph under 'Business and Employment' it stated that the area had an average household income that was close to that of the Borough average.  Councillor Huntington-Thresher requested that the inconsistency of the two statements be addressed.  In addition, Councillor Huntington-Thresher suggested that rather than reporting averages, a truer reflection of areas could be gained by reporting the dichotomy of areas.


Ward Member Councillor Buttinger supported Councillor Huntington-Thresher's comments.  Councillor Buttinger commented that two conservation areas had been omitted from the area pen portrait and emphasised the importance of protecting conservation areas and maintaining the openness of the land.


The impact on residents regarding parking issues around commuting and the town centre should be addressed.


Shops should be encouraged to provide services required by residents.


Petts Wood and Poverest (page 73) - Ward Member Councillor Auld, observed that the area of Poverest had not been referred to throughout the report, even though it formed part of the pen portrait title.


Councillor Auld reported the following:-


  The difference between ward boundaries and constituency boundaries was somewhat confusing.


  In garden suburbs there should be a presumption against back garden development.


  The reference to River Ravensbourne flowing through the area (page 73, final paragraph) was inaccurate.  The sentence should be amended to read "The Kyd Brook flows through the area and although it is mostly culverted, there is some flood risk.".


  Willett Recreation Ground should be highlighted, together with the sports facilities available ie. tennis and cricket.


  Under the heading 'Business and Employment', there are two areas of business, namely Station Square and Queensway.  The number of eating establishments, both eat-in and take-away, should be reported.


  Facts pertaining to rail travel should be updated.


  Issues around commuter parking should be addressed.


  It was the desire of Petts Wood residents and all three Ward Members that the issue of side space be strictly monitored to ensure it is kept to a minimum of 1 metre generally, with a wider side space achieved, where appropriate, in conservation areas and areas of special residential character.


  The number of licensed premises should be limited to the number of existing premises.


Councillor Fawthrop suggested that the title of the area pen portrait should be changed to "Petts Wood and Surrounds".


Councillor Bosshard reported that there were three supermarkets and more than three GP surgeries in the area.


Referring to the final paragraph on page 74, Councillor Evans reported that there were six other schools and questioned the need to highlight that extra provision could be made available at Southborough School.


Paragraph 5 on page 74 stated that the Turpington Estate was situated on the western boundary.  Turpington Estate is, in fact, situated squarely within Bromley Common.


The Coppice Estate should be highlighted as a working class area built during the inter war period and located on the western boundary.


Ravensbourne, Plaistow and Sundridge (page 77) - Ward Member Councillor Harmer commented that Plaistow and Sundridge consisted mainly of Edwardian and Victorian buildings.  There was a mix of large and small family accommodation within the area, and that if the decision was taken to demolish the buildings and replace them with flats, it would change the area considerably.


The existence of a golf course should be highlighted.  Large developments of housing on the golf course would cause significant traffic issues.


There were transport problems at Bromley North.  In particular, taxi drivers were being pushed into residential roads.


It was noted that Holy Trinity School had stood vacant since 2005.


Several facilities including a library, a school and the Downham Boys Club were shared with the Borough of Lewisham.


Councillor Adams agreed with Councillor Huntington-Thresher's suggestion that the dichotomy of areas should be reported rather than the Bromley average.


As a final comment, Councillor Adams also referred to the section titled 'Social Infrastructure' on page 79.  The final sentence did not make sense and should be amended to read: "During recent years, residential development has replaced two community hall sites and a scout hut in the area of Shaftesbury Park on the Downham Estate."


RESOLVED that the comments and suggested amendments referred to above be noted.


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