Agenda item



At a Development Control Committee meeting held on 31 August 2010, Members authorised the commencement of a public consultation period for the draft Bromley Town Centre Conservation Area Statement which, when finalised, would form part of the Local Development Framework.


As a result of the completed consultation, Members were asked to note the responses (attached at Appendix 1 of the submitted report) and to agree that the Statement be used as guidance for development control purposes when considering applications for development within the area.


Mr Peter Martin, Head of Strategy and Renewal, reported that correspondence had been received from the Historic Buildings and Areas Adviser who was disappointed to note the continued omission of identifying buildings within the conservation area that the Council considered made a positive contribution to the character and appearance of the conservation area.  It was reported that English Heritage advocated this approach in its guidance.


Correspondence had also been received from the Chair of the Bromley Civic Society who was unclear as to whether it was intended that the document would be submitted for a second round of consultation as neither he nor English Heritage had been notified of the revisions or received a copy for comment.  He declared that the document in its present state was incomplete.


Two plans were circulated to Members which referred to character areas and which stated key views which had not been seen before.  It was reasonable to allow sufficient time for consultation to be undertaken on these further issues.  Mr Martin suggested that the responses be reported to the next Development Control meeting to be held in June.


It was reported that although a sufficient level of consultation had been undertaken, the correspondence received had raised some valid points.  A thorough appraisal of the local list should be undertaken and the list should be extended where appropriate.  Consultations would be carried out with the owners of identified buildings.


Councillor Mrs Manning commented that as the Area Action Plan had been approved, the appraisal should have been included.  It was imperative to produce an excellent appraisal and therefore as much information as possible should be incorporated.  The onus would be on developers to look into the history of conservation areas.


It was noted that whilst the paragraph under the title 'Locally Listed Buildings' on page 99 made reference to locally listed buildings making a positive contribution within the Bromley Town Centre Conservation area, the words 'positive contribution' were omitted from the previous page (page 98) under the title 'Listed Buildings in Bromley Town Centre Conservation Area'.


As part of the introduction to the appraisal, it would be helpful to give details of conservation areas, together with an explanation of what constitutes a conservation area.  It should be highlighted that locally listed buildings are the prime structures which make a positive contribution.  It should be noted that town centres and open spaces also make a valuable contribution.


Councillor Mrs Manning praised the Bromley Civic Society for the hard work and valuable service it provided and proposed that the item be deferred for further consultation.


Councillor Fawthrop desired to know why the shops in front of The Glades were considered to be in the conservation area.  Mr Martin responded that certain shops were surround by elements of the conservation area ie. Churchill Gardens and should therefore to be included.


Councillor Bosshard emphasised the need for shop fronts to blend in with the character and style of the area.


The Chairman seconded the motion for deferral.


RESOLVED that the item be DEFERRED pending consultation with those who made representations on the Character Areas map and the Key Views map that are to be inserted into the document, and for a review of the local list of buildings within the Town Centre Conservation Area to be carried out.

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