Agenda item


Report to follow.


Report ES11066


Based on the outcome of the Council’s budgetary exercise for 2011/12 and the inclusion of the Countryside Service formerly within the Renewal and Recreation Department a significant restructuring within the Parks and Greenspace section of the Streetscene and Greenspace Division was proposed. Additionally the current external security contract was being considered to see how it could support such proposals. Report ES11066 identified the impact of the recommendations and the financial implications of the proposed changes including savings and redundancy costs. 


The review looked at Parks Services based at Churchouse Gardens, Bromley, Crystal Palace Park Rangersbased at Crystal Palace Park and the Countryside Service and Educational facility at BEECHE, High Elms.

The review also identified other areas within the current Parks and Greenspace section where there might be an overlap or logical co-joining of services or responsibilities and the review sought to amend the general structure, management and reporting lines. 


There had also been a review of permanent work places to best meet the needs of the service going forward although the report highlighted that this would still need considerable development following the review in the context of accommodation and the way services best served customers. There was no current presumption that any or all of the existing three locations would be decommissioned.


The new service within Parks and Greenspace would be comprised of the following service areas: Contracts,Community and Development and Ranger Services. At no additional cost to the Authority, Ward Security would be based at and patrol Crystal Palace Park and would undertake locking duties at night. 

Report ES11066 also anticipated the key areas likely to be affected as a result of staff and overall revenue reduction.


In discussion Members sought clarification on aspects of the proposals. Concerning the provision of a reduced on site Ranger support for volunteer groups Members were advised that there would be less time for Rangers to spend with volunteers particularly in a mentoring type capacity. For Crystal Palace Park there would not be a permanent Ranger presence at the Park and Rangers would operate from the middle of Bromley going out to the parks. Buildings for the Rangers would be maintained at Crystal Palace Park, Churchouse Gardens and High Elms. Ward Security would also patrol at Crystal Palace Park.


Concerning staff numbers associated with the old and new staffing structures it was explained that the total FTE staff complement would be reduced from 46 to 39 and an oral breakdown was given on FTE staff numbers against each designation highlighted in the existing generic staff structure at Appendix A to Report ES11066 and to the existing staff structure for the Countryside Service (including BEECHE educational facility) at Appendix B to the report.


Responding to an enquiry on whether there were special reasons for a static Ranger service at Crystal Palace Park and in consideration of the use of the Park for purposes such as educational visits, Members were advised that there were 156 park and open space sites in Bromley with Crystal Palace Park being the only site having a static complement of (six) Rangers. There were a number of events and skills required at Crystal Palace Park and Rangers would travel from other park sites in the borough to Crystal Palace Park. It was also confirmed that there was no intention of losing prestige events at the park with support for such events continuing to be undertaken by Rangers who would be brought in. There would be fewer Rangers but they would work more flexibly.


Referring to a current designation of “Health and Wellbeing” within the existing generic staff structure, an enquiry was made on whether the responsibility was covered elsewhere in the new staff structure or whether the position would be lost. The Head of Parks and Greenspace indicated that the Health and Wellbeing role was important; he indicated that the role would be taken forward in future under the Development and Community Manager with the post not being lost. The Member also enquired how many Rangers there would be in the new structure and whether reduced on-site Ranger support to volunteer groups might cost the Council more long term. In response it was confirmed that there would be a loss of seven staff. The new Ranger structure would comprise two Ranger teams based on skills and geography headed by a Rangers Services Manager; each team would have two senior Rangers and there would be five Rangers in each team. Concerning support to volunteer groups Members were advised that Friends activities would be controlled by the Development and Community Manager. There would be a reduced amount of time spent in the field with volunteer groups and the skills of Rangers would be used elsewhere.


Concerning the financial position, the Chairman urged the Portfolio Holder to continue with efforts to see Crystal Palace Park become a regional park. It was located on the corner of the borough and should be supported by other boroughs not just Bromley reflecting a community facility the burden of which should be spread across residents from a number of boroughs. The Chairman also asked that the Head of Parks and Greenspace respond to written comments provided for the meeting by Councillor Kathy Bance. Councillor Grainger also asked for the Portfolio Holder to consider the impact on the Friends Groups when discussing further with the Head of Parks and Greenspace.


Commenting on the report and comments made, the Portfolio Holder expressed his genuine sorrow for the individual staff being made redundant and commended officers for minimising the impact of a painful decision. He supported the Chairman’s comments concerning a sharing of the burden for funding Crystal Palace Park highlighting too that it was on the corner of the borough and funded solely by Bromley Council. As a minimum, the Portfolio Holder commented that an approach on the matter would be made at GLA



On support for Friends groups the Portfolio Holder commented that contact had been received from an individual who was keen to step in and the Portfolio Holder envisaged more people becoming involved. 


RESOLVED that the Director of Environmental Service’s proposals for restructuring within the Parks and Greenspace Section be noted together with the implications for a reduction in service area delivery and a reduction of seven full time staff equivalents. 


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